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Dean was fast asleep in Sam's dorm room, sprawled out on the narrow bed with one arm dangling off the edge. The morning light filtered through the thin curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. The familiar sound of Sam bustling around woke Dean from his slumber.

"Dean, gotta get to work," Sam called out, his voice a blend of urgency and gentle prodding.

Dean groaned, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "Alright, alright. I'm up." He stretched, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from the previous day's events.

Reluctantly, Dean shuffled to the small, shared bathroom. The hot water from the shower did wonders to wake him up, washing away the fatigue and tension. After brushing his teeth and throwing on his usual flannel and jeans, he stepped out, feeling more like himself.

As he grabbed his jacket, he noticed Sam also getting ready, slipping on his boots and packing his backpack. Dean raised an eyebrow. "You work today?"

Sam nodded, adjusting the strap on his shoulder. "Yeah, got a shift at the fire station."

Dean's face lit up with a goofy smile. "You wanna ride?"

Sam, who lived just two blocks from Dean's place, returned the smile. "Sure."

They headed out together, the morning air crisp and refreshing. Dean's Impala was parked nearby, its glossy black exterior shining in the sunlight. They slid into the familiar seats, the engine roaring to life with a comforting rumble.

As they drove, Sam glanced over at his brother. "What about your apartment? Is it okay?"

Dean's smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of mild frustration. "Athena replaced the door, so at least it's secure. Now I just gotta clean up the mess."

Sam nodded thoughtfully. "Need any help?"

Dean's eyes twinkled with appreciation. "You do live there too, y'know."

Sam chuckled. "Alright, I'll help. It'll be like old times, cleaning up after a hunt."

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, the radio playing softly in the background. Sam leaned back, allowing himself to relax for the short drive. Dean navigated the familiar streets, each turn bringing them closer to their destination.

As they pulled into the parking lot of the fire station, Dean turned to Sam. "You ready?"

Sam took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's get to work."

They stepped out of the car, the doors closing with a satisfying thud. Sam, ever the cautious one, called out, "Lock it!"

Dean grinned, reaching back to press the button on the key fob, the Impala's lights flashing in response. "Done."

The brothers walked towards the station, their strides in sync. The early morning hustle of the city was beginning to pick up, but at this moment, it felt like it was just the two of them against the world. They had been through hell and back—literally—and yet, here they were, side by side, ready to face whatever came next.

As they entered the fire station, they were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the busy environment. The team was already buzzing with activity, preparing for the day ahead. Bobby was in the kitchen, sipping his coffee, while Hen and Chim were checking the equipment.

Dean and Sam exchanged nods with their colleagues, slipping into the routine seamlessly. It was a new chapter in their lives, but their bond remained unbreakable. They were a team, a family, and no matter what challenges lay ahead, they knew they would face them together.

The alarm blared through the fire station, its piercing sound signaling another urgent call. Sam grinned at Dean, the familiar rush of adrenaline coursing through him. "Let's go escape the damn life," he said, and without another word, they took off running towards the fire truck.

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