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(Hyunjin POV)

I woke up in a hospital room, Jeongin hovering over me. The room was slightly spinning and my head was pounding painfully. The lights were too bright. 

"Hyung!" Jeongin shouted the second I opened my eyes. He may have said it at a normal volume for all I knew, but it was painfully loud to me.

Seungmin just smiled at me, sitting in the corner of the room on one of the chairs, one AirPod still in his ear. Our manager sat next to him, closer to the door.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? Are you hurt?" The younger of the two immediately overwhelmed me with questions. I wasn't sure how to respond, my brain was still cloudy.

"Can you talk quieter? My head hurts." I whispered while groaning softly.

"Oh sorry. Do you need anything? I can get the nurse." Jeongin asked, his voice much quieter than before.

"I'll be fine," I muttered, closing my eyes to block out the lights.

"You sure?" Seungmin asked with suspicion, I could only guess he was side-eyeing me.

The door opened. "Oh! You're up. I'll go tell the others." I could tell by the voice that it was Chan.

I heard shuffling and then a few shouts from the hall, followed by quick footsteps.

I reopened my eyes seeing my members surrounding me. Even in my haze I was able to tell there were only 6 instead of 7 faces.

"Where's Changbin?" I asked softly.

Jisung was quick to answer my question. "We left him in his hospital room."

My expression must have given away my confusion because Felix spoke up soon after. "He got knocked out trying to help you."

"Oh," I muttered, still a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he seemed fine," Minho responded next.

"But are you okay?" Chan asked, flipping the question around.

"I think... I mean I have a bad headache and my shoulder's a bit sore." I answered, still talking quietly. The members seemed to pick up on it and also whispered.

Chan nodded, taking in the information. "We were all worried, you were unconscious for pretty long."

"Oh, sorry." I felt bad for worrying them even if it wasn't my fault.

Jisung chuckled despite the situation. "Why are you sorry? It's not like you can control how long you're passed out for... unless you can."

I just shrugged. I really wanted some painkillers. Everything was either too loud or too bright.

Right then the doctor walked in. "Okay, so I just checked in on the other two. They both seem to be doing okay. I gave them the required operations. Now I just need the rest of you to leave, so I can do yours." She said looking up from her clipboard at me.

"C'mon, guys. Let's get the other two." Chan directed while guiding everyone out of the cramped hospital room.

Once the doctor finished my stitches, I left to find my members. I walked into Changbin's room and saw everyone except the girl. I assumed she was in her own room.

"Alright, so we can go now?" Minho asked impatiently.

"Yeah I think so," Chan glanced around at all the members, doing a quick head count to confirm his words.

"What about the girl?" I asked while walking out of Changbin's room.

"Oh, her!" Jisung said loudly, hurting my head a bit. "Yeah, we should go get her." He seemed to have forgotten about her.

I eyed Jisung before following Felix to her room, I really hoped she was okay.

The Red Head | Hyunjin x Reader (VERSION TWO)Where stories live. Discover now