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'Mmmhhhhmmm' She hummed in pleasure, watching her favorite show while eating a bucket of icecream

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'Mmmhhhhmmm' She hummed in pleasure, watching her favorite show while eating a bucket of icecream.

Moments later, a notification arrives in her phone.

'Huh?' She sees a strange message congratulating her for completing 100th story.

(A: Our protagonist is a normal college going girl who is obsessed with reading stories, she have read many stories, attended many events, in one word she is a pro!!!)

'Strange, why do i get these type of spam messages every time' She tosses her mobile aside and continues watching her favorite show.

'Sasha!!!!, get that ass off yours,out of the couch this instant' Her mother shouts through kitchen, holding a sharp knife (Jk she is cutting vegetables)

'Mom! Later, my show is on' She ignores lazily, not knowing her mother is clearly sending daggers with her eyes.

Her mother comes from behind and switch off the television.

'Mom!!!, why did you switched off, I was on the peak curiosity' She whines, reaching for the remote only to get dangerous glare from her.

'Didn't you listen? Get that ass of yours out' Her mother takes the remote away with her to kitchen.

She throws tantarum a bit, but moves her ass as she knows what would be the consequence of playing with fire.

She drags her feet to her room, disappointed. She flungs on her bed the moment she opens her bed (Typical lazy person 😅) . She reached her arms around to search her mobile out of the pile of clothes.

'Ughhh, I have to clean too, well.. Let's do later' She shrugs off and searches her show in her mobile only to get disappointed later.

She lays on her bed, staring at the ceiling for few minutes. Her life has been void, her usual boring life. No matter how many times she started doing something innovative, she ends up giving up too early. Just like her studies! It doesn't mean that she isn't going to college, going to her college just for the sake of her mother.

She gets the weird notification again, this time she presses it to see what it is.

Suddenly the screen glows too brightly that the intensity was too much to bear makes her to faint afterwards.

~~~Moments later~~~

She squints her eyes, she slowly opens her eyes to find a handsome man looking at her angrily???

Is it a dream? Surely a dream ofc, if not how can a devilish handsome like him would be there.

His eyes were crimson Pericing through her body, his luscious gray hair is shining under the moonlight and his nose has that sharp cutting just like his jawline while his Adam's apple...

He suddenly hovers over her, pinning her further to the bed.

She sequels in joy!!! Is it finally happening??? This Greek god now will kiss herrr...

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