~2 Sabrina's POV

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"You mean what are we? " He smirked at her

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"You mean what are we? " He smirked at her. He was eyeing me up and down.

"Oii Mister! We? Where did 'we' come from? " I struggled under his gaze. It was like slowly he was undressing each piece of cloth from me.

He chuckled at my words. "You surely are feisty, aren't you? Sharp at your words, I am quite intimidated now" He said tucking my hair behind. Chills went down my spine. His every action is intentional and scary.

"I.. am.. not" I stumbled at my own words. I would, why wouldn't I? When someone as handsome as him is just a few inches above me and doing things that may be misunderstood by an innocent one like me. Of course, I am not an innocent one tho.

He chuckled at my stammering. His eyes shone again with mischief. Oh my god, I am terrified of his eyes now. He can't be serious right?
"You sure are an interesting one" His voice was low and animalistic.

"The way your body is reacting to my touch, it says the complete opposite to the words you are spewing from that little mouth of yours" He moved his hands gracefully through my hair just like a lover would do to his love.

"No... You... Are mistaken" My words are falling apart, his touch is gentle but at the same time, it's arousing. Wait! Am I getting manipulated? I pushed him when I thought he was off guard. His eyes widened, he wasn't expecting it, right? Before I could even depict what he was thinking, a strong force pinned both my hands to bed making me fall in bed miserably. Ouch! It hurts.

There was a hint of animal in his eyes "You sure are a cunning wench, aren't you? " He smirked with his low guttural voice. "But guess what? This made me turn on, I was thinking of leaving you, but your little actions made it difficult, lady" His hands roamed all over my face before he grabbed my chin again with force. I think my jaw will dislocate by the way he is grabbing my jaw.

"Leave me, you bastard!" His hands now roamed down my neck, teasingly when it abruptly stopped at my cleavage, with a hint of lust in his eyes, he looked at me.

"Bastard? Is that what you call a person who saved you now? " His fingers circled my Cleavage, wrecking me half with pleasure.

"You are the danger! You saved me? Huh? " What does he think of himself? Before I could even think, his hand roamed down, to my belly button, even lower, my eyes squinted, I don't know why this is more arousing. His hands stopped at my mund.

He looked at me with his sly grin "I never thought you were this wet" Wet?! Oh god save me from this embarrassment, sorry for reading all those smuts, save me!

"Are you turned on lady? You are dripping here" His fingers circled again, pressing the buds, teasing my clit.

Before I could dive into this pleasure, he suddenly inserted a finger inside me. That took my breath away and a loud moan left my mouth. "See? Your body betrayed you! " He dipped his finger further. Oh god! His fingers are long.

He thrusted his fingers slowly at the beginning, but when moans left my mouth betraying my earlier words, he paced the process. Another finger added, as I can't, I want to be gobbled up under the soil now, please save me!

His fingers slid fastly, in and out all the way, his eyes while concentrating on both my pussy and my moans. Before I could think of anything, something was from me, my mind was all blank, and came onto his fingers.

"That's such a slutty behaviour lady, you came with just my fingers" He slowly went beneath me, looking at my pussy at his eye level. Wait! What's he going to do now?

"Your scent is too much intoxicating" His breath fawned my pussy. This cunt of mine is a bitch, why are you even responding to him.

He thrusted again, now with three fingers, I arched back with that force. Now wrecking me half isn't enough, his breath is adding.

My moans are all over the place. "You are buckling up against my hand" He smirked, I could sense it without seeing him. Unintentionally, I grinded against his fingers enjoying the sensation when his fingers were thrusting me.

He added one more, making it more painful. He constantly hits a specific place which sends stars around my head. He knew it and kept teasing me. I came into his fingers again shamelessly grinding for more.

He teased the erogenous clit with his nails. He pinched when I tried to hold my moan. Gosh! He will ruin my folds if he continues even further.

"Please... Please" I pleaded.
"Please what lady? " He pinched my clit again. "Please stop!" He avoided my words and continued thrusting again with great ferocity. This time in a way that won't let me come.

This is a pure torture. He wants me to spell those dirty words from my mouth, it will never happen- ah this is torture!!!!

"Please... Please let me come" I mumbled slowly enough loud to make him hear. He grinned "If I won't what will you do?" God this man is feral.

"Please. " I shuddered. He slowly took out his fingers. And there I came shamelessly again, squirting all the bed. Ah, this is too much to handle. My whole body relaxed and my eyes slowly felt heavy.

He is still there grinning at me, watching me drift to sleep, I want to scold him, scratch his face, and Catastrate him but my body is too tired to do anything.

My eyes are falling.

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Wait for the next episode babies

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Wait for the next episode babies

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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