🎟️❤️ "A Visit To The Doctor" Medkit x Reader

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It was a lone Thursday night. (Y/N) was laying in bed, wincing due to the migraine that decided to hit right as they were preparing to go to sleep.

(Y/N) got up slowly, taking a few steps towards the medicine cabinet that they had. They rummaged through it, but to no use, as they had nothing that they could use to help with their pain.

"... lucky fuckin' me." (Y/N) swore under their breath. They already had tried to drink something tea in hopes the migrare was just due to dehydration, but that didn't worth either.

(Y/N) had one last resort... One of their bestest friends, Medkit. He was a doctor, or was, atleast. But he always knew what he was doing.

They decided to put some comfortable clothes on, shoving their phone, car and house keys in their hoodie's big pocket. They slipped some shoes on, locked the door, and pretty much ran down outside, to their car.

The journey to Medkit's house was pretty much a blur. (Y/N) parked their car, just near where Medkit lived, and got out.

When (Y/N) got to his front door, they knocked a few times, gently. Even though, they didn't even stay to think that it was almost 11 pm. Oh well.

Medkit opened the door, surprised at thr miserable look that his friend had. "Oh, greetings (Y/N)! Why do you look so uh..."

"In pain? I've got a terrible migraine and nothing helped. I didn't have any meds either.." (Y/N) croaked.

"Oh poor you." He smiled softly. "Come on in."

(Y/N) sat on Medkit's bed, which, surprisingly, Medkit wouldn't let anyone sit on his bed. Medkit returned into the room with a few pills and a cup of tea. (more tea...)

"Here, these should help you." He gave the pills to (Y/N), who chugged them.

The migraine already began wearing off a bit. Maybe it was just the healing aura of Medkit? Maybe..

After like 30 minutes, (Y/N) was feeling much better, barely feeling any pain anymore. Medkit had sat besides them the whole time. "Any better?" He asked.

"Much better! Thank you so much!" (Y/N) sat upright and hugged Medkit.

Medkit was surprised by this, to say the least. But he returned the hug warmly. "You're welcome, bug."

(Y/N) snickered . "Bug? Really? I'm not that short."

Medkit smiled softly. "Whatever you say." He chuckled. "Now, go sleep. You need rest. I can drive for you if you want me to."

(Y/N) broke the hug, and thought. "Can I sleep at your place? Please?"

Medkit sighed. "Does this mean you'll also demand cuddles all night? I know how you behaved the last time you got me into a sleepover."

(Y/N) smirked. "Yes."

"... Fine. But only for tonight."

(Y/N) and Medkit cuddled in bed, (Y/N) nuzzling Medkit's chest. After a while, the two of them fell asleep, embracing eachother. The moonlight shined in through the window softly, somewhat making the room seem like it's glowing.

The two slept peacefully and unbothered for the rest of the night.

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