Danse: 004 - A Recluse in the Shadows

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Descend from the spiral staircase with fair elegance

Oh you delicate spider, soon work will finish with ease

Reach into lost memories seeking warmth;

Connect the hemorrhaging hearts, hurry!

A soft decadent lullaby cooing the creatures into permanent winks

Forget the poisoned rat in the corner: he is frozen

The shackled banshee strangles on pearls

How constrictive the beads fasten against the vein

Unpleasant anguish, centuries of laments filling the castle's halls

Transient guests instilled with foreboding

Tremble with a delight of fears and horrors

Or escape before the wings are clipped

You must accompany the lost souls whose tastes have expired

Come now, the show must go on. With a key and a ludicrous fascination,

The malevolent apparition spins the detailed cobwebs

And invites you to dinner with the silent rodent.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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