🎟️🔞"Accidentally trespassing" Shuriken x Dom

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Shuriken was flying through the city, using his grappling hook to swing from building to building.

He knew about the concert that Dom and Valk were going to hold here in the Thieves Den. Vinestaff told him he couldn't attend, but he was set on showing her otherwise!
He wouldn't have pay for a ticket, instead, he'd come in from the top! Well.. easier said than done.

He wanted to practice first, considering that there still was one more day.

As he swung around, he noticed an entry to the backstage, completely unguarded. He smirked, grappling his way over there.

As he was about to land at the entrance, suddenly, his grappling hook slipped, and so did he, face planting into the floor as he crashed into the room.

He brought his head up, dizzy, looking around.

Besides him... just so happened to be one of the idols, Dom.

The rest of the backstage was pretty much deserted, except for one clean-up lady who was at the left end of the backstage, listening to music while she mopped the floor.

Dom stared at Shuriken, before speaking. "Um.. You alright there?" He helped Shuriken to get up.

Shuriken suddenly realized the situation he was in and sort of freaked out. "Oh- OH HELLO HI UM I'M SORRY-"

"Relax. It's just me around here... and... the cleaning lady."

Shuriken relaxed a bit. "Ooh... Okay.."

"Though, you shouldn't be here, yknow. Afterall this is a staff only place." Dom glanced at Shuriken, narrowing his eyes a bit. "I should call the warden on you, for trespassing, yknow."

Shuriken panicked. "No- No! Please I'll do anything! Just not the warden! I dont wanna go to the Banlands!" He begged.

Dom thought. "Hmm.. Anything you say?.... Alright. If you do me a favor, I'll let you go, and nobody will have to know you trespassed."


Dom lead Shuriken into one of the unused rooms, which had nothing more than a table.

Dom locked the door behind them. Shuriken glanced at him.

Dom finally spoke up. "If you let me fuck you, I'll let you get out of here freely. Alright?"

Shuriken cringed. "Ew! No! That's too little in return!"

Dom sighed. "I'll also give you a VIP ticket. Deal?" Why did he promise this? he doesn't know.

Shuriken suddenly beamed with happiness. "Heck yeah! Deal!!"

"Alright then.." Dom was surprised at this young man's mood swings, but he didn't question them.

"Take your pants off and get on that table."

As Dom commanded, Shuriken did. He now was on the table, completely bottomless. He blushed a bit, slightly embarrassed. But, who wouldn't die to be fucked by an idol? Not everyone had the chance!

Dom gently spread Shuriken's legs, revealing his hardening dick. "Aren't you a cutie~.."

This turned Shuriken on, blushing more.

Dom himself was already hard, gods know why. He whipped out a small, hand-sanitizer sized bottle, which had lube in it. He freed his dick, which was a whopping 7,5 inches.

He lubed up himself and Shuriken's asshole, putting the bottle down and positioning himself. Shuriken was silently hoping he wouldn't burst.

"Alright. Here goes nothing.." Dom said as he slowly pushed his way in, sending shivers down Shuriken's spine.

".. o-ooH~.." Shuriken tipped his head back, his dick twiching.

"Is this too much-?" Dom said.

"N-nah dude... it's... mh~.. perfect." Shuriken's breath was shaky.

"Alright, just making sure." Dom began to slowly pump in and out, earning moans and whimpers from Shuriken. It was definitely too big for Shuriken, and he most likely wont be able to walk much afterwards.

Dom quickened the pace a bit, also jerking Shuriken off while doing so. Shuriken moaned. The feeling of having such a huge thing inside of you... It felt so good...

"I... fuck~... I'm gonna cum soon I-" As Shuriken said that, Dom jerked him off as fast as he possibly could, Shuriken whimpering in pleasure as he came, spilling cum all over his abdomen.

Dom was still pumping in and out, as he soon came as well, filling up Shuriken's insides with cum.

The two took a bit to catch their breath, before Dom pulled out and cleaned them both up.

They would never speak of this moment again.

Dom helped Shuriken up and out of the backstages, after giving him a free VIP ticket.

"Man... I'll go get a coffee. This made me tired." Dom spoke to himself as he went to the backstage's kitchen area. It was small, but working.

As he prepared himself a cup of cappuccino, he couldn't help but wonder... Why did Shuriken accept his offer in the first place? Whatever... Atleast he got to release some built up tension.

As for Shuriken, when he arrived home, the first thing he did was hide the ticket and go to sleep. Vinestaff was worried as to why her brother was exhausted.. It was barely afternoon. But she let him sleep, knowing how angry he'd be if he was woken up.

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