2. Aftermath

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Ramona sat still at her table that morning, about 7:07 am, still trying to place the feeling from last night. It was still a bit hard to place, but she felt like she was somewhat starting to understand it. It just felt so strange to her, for once in her life she wasn't in control of her relationship. She glanced over at the still full cup of water on her table, it only served to make her more bothered how things happened. She gathered up her things. She had decided. She should swing by his place before work to clear things up, maybe then it would make more sense to her.

Locking the door behind her she made a mental note not to go through his sub-space highway and began to skate down the road.


Negascott groaned in annoyance as he felt his hand chained to something, everything was dark, and he couldn't see much besides the vague outline of what he was chained to. He felt around, there was some kind of sand under him. 

"I'm so aloneeeee, oh I'm such a loserrr..." A voice groaned right next to him, and this only set him off further as it continued

"I messed everything up... now I'll never have the girl of my dreams..." it continued, and Negascott had just about enough

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Negascott tugged at the chain, realizing he was chained not to something but to someone. He woke up suddenly from the dream, groaning as he felt the cold all around him, the floor icy from the winter. His body felt like it was weighed down by a thousand rocks. Fatigue pushed down on him, and his throat clenched tight. Sick. He could hardly pull himself closer to the futon to glare at Scott who was pretending to sleep. 

He tried to cuss him out, but his throat wouldn't let him, he couldn't even muster the strength to get on the bed. Negascott thought about himself. Where did he even come from? What was he?

Wallace soon woke up after. "Scott wake up, your dog looks like it wants out." Wallace snickered as he took his pillow back, always getting stolen by Scott during the night.

"I'm awake." Scott said calmly as he opened his eyes. "Also, what? oh, I thought I dreamt that?" Scott glances down at Negascott who was resting his head on the Futon, still angry but also very tired.  "Wait what? He wants out. Should I let him out?" Scott asked in confusion 

"I was joking guy..., I think he's sick or something because he hasn't said a word or gotten up from the floor." Wallace slipped on his coat and walked into the kitchen. "On another note, you got a letter, from someone referring to themselves as Patel?" Wallace explained, handing Scott the letter.

Negascott, still half out of it, decides to just watch.

"Eh I don't want to read this now either, maybe later." Scott immediately put it to the side like it didn't matter, because to him it really didn't right now.

"Well, there's actually stuff I need to do this morning, so I'm going to go. See you at the show." Without missing a beat Wallace escaped through the front door, leaving Scott alone with his Doppelganger.

"Uhm, hi?" Scott then turned to Negascott. He waved, staring down at his clone.

Negascott said nothing, not like he could anyway, not like he wanted to... he just wanted to crawl up into that futon and sleep for the rest of eternity.

"Actually! I think I'll go practice for the show tonight at Stephen's and forget this happened."  Scott scooted out of the blankets frantically, to which Negascott immediately crawled up onto and crashed. 

Scott was still damn confused, and he kind of just wanted to pretend his new doppelganger didn't exist. I mean, what was the harm in doing that? He'll deal with it when he gets back. He started to get ready to leave.


A few knocks on the door.

And again.

Negascott was having such a great dream too! he was wrapped up in a bunch of warm sand, the chain around his wrist loosened. Was that weird? Did he even care if it was? He might as well go answer the door and see what it was.

He slumped out of bed, still wrapped in the blankets, letting them cover the majority of his face including his very recognizable eyebrows. He flopped on over to the door. What time was it? Whatever, he was just gonna take a peek through the door anyway.

He creaked it open

"Uh, hello? Are you Wallace?" 
The sound of Ramona's voice roused him, and he promptly started to close the door.

Ramona erratically slid her foot through the opening before it could shut. "Wait don't go! Uhm, can you give this to Scott?" Ramona quickly wrote something down and handed it to who she thought was Wallace, before skating away.

Negascott was too tired for this, he left the note on the floor and climbed back into bed. Maybe he'll have a nice dream again. Maybe he'll dream about Scott getting bit in the ass by a rat. Maybe while he's asleep Scott will actually get bit in the ass by a rat, that'd be funny...


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