new beginning

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I thought I would never love someone again,
I thought my affection died the same day I let go of my past.
I did not expect that my heart would beat once again,
To someone I barely knew yet,
it felt like we had known each other for years.

Each steal glances
Each faint smiles
Each deep gazes

My heart flutters whenever you are near,
My body would tremble in joy
the moment I felt your presence.
This feeling, it's not just a normal admiration
but pure affection towards you.

How I've long to know you.
I want to know what your likes and dislikes are.
I want to know your strengths as well as your weaknesses.
I want to know everything about you—I want to be a part of you.

As I set a new beginning showing my affection towards you,
I pray that one day,
Our paths will cross and converge.

I guarantee that...
my eyes will only look for you
my mind will always think of you
my heart will only love you

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