eight: kiss

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Calum's POV

Me and Darcy walk drunkly to her house, stumbling all over. I walk her upstairs and unlock her house for her.

"Tanks for tonight Hood..it was fuunn." She giggles

"I had fun also. Thanks for answering everything with such honesty." I laugh

"Like I had a choice?"

She laughs.

"I hope to see you soon then Darcy. Perhaps tomorrow?"

"Unless you want to come over to my house with movies and cuddles, then no because Im going to be hungover and cranky."

"When are you not?" I laughed, she giggled and punched me in the arm

"Thank you for tonight Hood. Really, I enjoyed talking to someone who actually listened to me."

"Im always here to help. Im glad I got to know you, cause you sure as hell aren't the girl I met at the premiere."

"Your bandmate almost costed me my job. I think you would've been pissed too, don't ya think?"

"Yeah..I guess I would've."

"Okay...it's time for me to...go to sleep. See ya tomorrow Hood. Text me." She kisses my cheek and runs in her apartment.

I grinned so big, I swear my face was going to stay like that forever. I can't believe she kissed my cheek. I didn't expect it whatsoever but if this is what it takes them so be it.

AN: ok hello you beautiful ppl!! I hope you like this :~) hehehe

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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