three: party pt.2

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We arrived at Alex's house and the music was already blaring, I already regretted coming tonight. I wasn't drinking, no way. As soon as we walked inside, Leesh walked up to Zach and gave him the biggest hug. They always had something going on, but never made anything official, I chuckled as I walked around looking for Alex.

I found Alex outside talking to a group of his friends, some of mine too, and some new faces. I walked up behind him and gave him a big hug, he turned around and hugged me.

"Hey Darce!!"

"Hi Alex."

"Woah talk about dressing down. Yet you still manage to look hot as fuck, explain."

I laughed and pushed him. I looked around the group and said hi to the people I know. There was 4 who I didn't know but I swear I've seen them before.

"Oh shit, Im being selfish. Okay so Darcy this is Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael. They're in the band 5 Seconds of Summer and they were at your premier yesterday!!"

"Yeah this one almost cost me a movie. Thanks for that." I rolled my eyes and turned to Alex.

"I'll see you later, Im gonna go say hi to a few other people I know." I kissed Alex's cheek and hugged him before I left.

"Alright see you later Darce."

I couldn't stay by those boys, especially the one with dark brown hair, he kept eyeing me like a piece of meat. I rolled my eyes at the thought of those immature teenagers.

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