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"That's all for this video, everyone! If you want to see bad boy here will go bald for the SECOND time, let's get this video to... hmmmm... let's say 250,000 likes and he'll do it!" Zak chimed.

"WHAT?! SKEPPY YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Darryl exclaimed through his mic.

With that, Skeppy ended the recording, cutting off what Darryl said.

"Geppyyyyy!" Bad whined.

"Why the muffin would you tell them that?!"

"FOR THE VIEWS BAD!!!" Skeppy grinned.

Bad groaned. For a bit, Zak and Darryl talked. About nothing in particular, really. Just about their day, how life's been treating them, etc. Suddenly, Zak let out a painful cough, and he felt something metallic and soft crawling up his throat, then onto his tongue. Zak used his fingers to grab it and noticed a single petal from a red rose.

"Geppy? Are you alright?" Bad asked in a concerned tone.

Zak started to panic. Which didn't help with the coughing. He started having a coughing fit, and Bad started to worry more and more.

"Oh my goodness! Skeppy, do you need me to call someone?" Bad worriedly asked.

"N-n-no! I'll be alright," Zak managed to say in between coughs.

Before Bad could argue, Zak left the call and ran for the bathroom. His coughing fit continued, a thin trail of blood passing through his lips and to the bottom of his chin until he reached the toilet. Bloodied petals slowly fell as he continued coughing until they hit the water. For what seemed like an eternity, the coughing stopped. Zak was still quite panicked, so he flushed the toilet, washed the blood on his face off, and grabbed his phone. 'Why am I coughing up petals?' Zak quickly typed into the Google search bar. As he clicked enter, lots of articles and websites popped up. One thing they all had in common were the words 'Hanahaki Disease.' Zak clicked on one of the websites and began to read.

'Hanahaki Disease; a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.'

Zak stared wide-eyed at his phone screen. One-sided love? But he wasn't in love with anyone, right? Zak questioned himself. He began thinking of different people to see if he reacted in a way that indicated love to any of them. Dream? Hell no. George? He's cool but pass. Wilbur? Also cool, but no. Bad? Suddenly, Zaks heart began to race, and his face started to heat up. Oh no. His best friend? Out of all people, him? Zak already knew he was doomed. There was no way. Zak could avoid him for even one day. Darryl was like his air. He needed him to survive.

'How ironic,' Zak thought to himself.

'The same thing I need to survive is going to be the reason I dont.'

The thought made Zak upset, for he loved his best friend, but he didn't think he loved him like this. Plus, Bad was straight, and he would never love Zak the same way he did to him.

"I'm doomed." Zak sadly muttered.

I'll Die For You, Love | Skephalo | HanahakiWhere stories live. Discover now