Coming Over

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Darryl's POV

As I packed the last few things into my luggage, I zipped it up, grabbed my regular backpack, grabbed my car keys, said bye to Rat and my roommate, and left for Skeppys house. Even though I told him I would come in a few days, I was too excited and finished packing everything up without really realizing it. His house was a few hours away by driving. Of course, flying was another option, but I decided it would be cheaper to drive. Plus, I'm scared of planes after all.


As he pulled out the driveway and started his drive, Darryl turned on the radio and, 'Love you like a love song by Selena Gomez,' started playing. He tapped his finger against the wheel to the beat. The song reminded him of Skeppy for some reason, though he didn't know why. Maybe because the song made him happy?

Time skip

It had been a few hours since Darryl began to drive. Though he and Skeppy only met up a few times, he knew where to drive without the navigator. He knew all the roads and alternate routes like the back of his hand. It was almost 9:00pm when he reached Skeppy's house. Darryl grabbed his bags, locked his car, and made his way to Skeppy's front door.


Zak was sitting on the couch with Rocco, watching some Tiktoks on his phone. Zak decided to rest that day because his throat was in no shape to be making any youtube videos. He kept a bucket next to him and a bottle of water for when he needed to throw up, which was pretty often. Zak was washing his mouth with water when he heard the doorbell ring.

'Who could that be?' Zak asked himself.

As he stood up, Rocco ran to the door, beginning to bark like crazy.

"Rocco! Stop that!" Zak said sternly as he walked to the door.

As Zak opened the door, someone jumped onto him, knocking him to the ground, which made him panic a bit until he realized who it was. It was Bad.

"Oh, Im so sorry, Geppy!" Bad exclaimed as he got off and extended his arm to help Skeppy up.

As he stood up, Bad couldn't help but give Zak a big hug. Zak hugged him back, still quite confused and shocked.

"Bad? Why are you here so early? I thought you were coming in a couple of days!" Zak said, confused.

"I know, and I'm sorry I didn't text you in advance, but I was too excited!" Bad exclaimed happily.

"Aweeee, that's sweet. Im happy to see y-" Zak was cut off as something started crawling up his throat.

'Fuck! Why now?' Zak silently swore to himself.

He started to collapse, but Bad quickly caught him.

"Zak?!" Bad worriedly exclaimed, carefully setting him down in the floor.

"What should I do? How can I help?!"

"W-Water." Skeppy managed to choke out.

Darryl quickly got up to get Zak a water bottle. When he returned, Zak was surrounded by petals from his favorite flower; roses. The petals were bloodied, and a few rose vines were here and there, not many, but looked quite painful if it was coming up Zak's throat. Darryl stood there, in shock but quickly hurried to Skeppy's side and did his best to help him get everything out of his throat. After a few minutes passed by, the coughing stopped and Zak seemed very exhausted. Darryl stayed by his side, rubbing his back. After a few seconds, Darryl noticed that Zak was starting to become wobbly and decided to pick him up and place him in bed.

'What. Just. Happened.' Bad questioned to himself, still quite shook by the whole experience.

Darryl got up and got two wet towels, one for cleaning off the blood and the other to put on Skeppy's head. That whole coughing fit must've been exhausting because droplets of sweat ran down his face. Darryl was still concerned about what made his friend cough up those petals and vines, so he turned to google for help. As Bad hit enter and clicked one of the website links, he saw the words 'Hanahaki Disease' and began to read the definition. He grew wide-eyed as he read.

'Hanahaki Disease; a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.'

"Hanahaki disease?" Darryl whispered to himself.

"Who does he love?"

The thought of Skeppy loving someone else was unpleasant to Bad, though he just brushed it off. He was acting pretty weird, and he didn't know why.

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