You can't help me.

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Zak sat still, trying to process everything that was going on. Out of the blue, his phone began to ring. It was Bad. Zak debated whether or not to answer, for he feared that as soon as he heard his beloved best friends voice, he would begin his coughing fit once more. He decided to answer so Bad wouldn't think he was trying to avoid him, even though that's sadly what Zak decided was the best thing to do in hopes that it slowed down the process of slowly dying.

"Hello..?" Zak said in a whisper-like voice.

"SKEPPY OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?" Bad screaming into his phone.

"You made me worry so much! Why'd you hang up on me like that!"

"I'm fine, Bad. Really." Zak quietly said, though he knew that it was a lie.

"You sound sick. Do you want me to come over?"

"N-NO NO NO!" Zak exclaimed without thinking.

"I-I mean, it's not necessary, really I'll be fine." He corrected.

"Please! I want to help you!" Cried Bad.

"I don't need your help, Bad!" Zak exclaimed through the phone.

"WHY DONT YOU WANT ME TO HELP YOU?" The other boy asked.



"I'm.. I'm sorry Bad." He apologized.

"You can't help me. No one can, not even me..."


Suddenly, he heard a sigh from the other end of the line.

"I've heard enough, you muffin head! I'm coming over. Expect me in a couple of days." Bad interrupted.

Before Zak could say anything to try to change his best friends mind, Bad hung up the phone. Zak was speechless. At least there was no coughing fit.

*Ghmp* Zak covered his mouth and began to gag.

'Damn it, I jinxed it,' he cursed to himself as he fell onto his knees.

He tried getting up, but it was no use. His legs began to become wobbly, and he gagged some more. Suddenly, Zak felt something sharp graze his throat, and his eyes widened and teared up. He opened his mouth, and something began to emerge from his throat. The black haired boy let out one last painful cough, and out came a bloodied vine. One with thorns. It was 3 inches long, not very big, but still caused some damage to his throat. Zak could breathe again. He looked down at the vine and picked it up. As he stood up to go to the bathroom to wash out his mouth and throw the vine away, a sudden wave of dizziness hit him, and he collapsed to the ground.

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