Part 14

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In Taehyungs home, his bitter father was sitting alone. His anger was something fierce. According to him, his children all abandoned him, even his wife left because of that useless Taehyung. He can't believe his flesh and blood turned into a faggot. An abomination.

He had to find a way to get his revenge on Taehyung and that Jungkook. How dare a dark fae steel a fairy of light. And he is sure that is what happened after the king punished Taehyung. That dark fae stole him, to get one up on the light fairies.

His mind was a rambling mess, telling himself all sorts of things, making up stories, believing his own minds' lies.

A knock was heard on his door. He opened it, expecting his wife or other children to come crawling back, but in the door stood a dark fae, but not those of the dark forest, it was one of the seafaring ones. They were extreme bad news.

"What do you want?" "Is this the home of the beautiful flower fae I have heard so much about?" "Not anymore, he shacked up with some faggot dark fae in the dark forest, a prince or something, Jungkook. So no, he doesn't live here anymore, he is a disgrace to our kind"

"Oh, Prince Jungkook, he always thought himself so important, it would be my pleasure to bring him down a notch. How about me and you make a deal". "What deal, what can you do?" "Well, I guess you want prince Jungkook gone as well as your flower fae son, right? And I don't see a wife, so my guess is, everyone abandoned you because of your, how did you call him, faggot son. So, it is actually easy. I challenge prince Jungkook for your son, I will kill him, which will hurt your son's little heart. I will make a deal with your pathetic king to take care of two of his problems, and he gives you and your family your lives back. As the victor, I will take your son with me, you will never see him again" "Why do you want to take him with you?" "Well firstly, I heard he is extremely beautiful, and I myself, to use your word, is a faggot (making ice run down Tae's father's spine) so I will make him mine. But I also need his skills as flower fairy to grow vegetables and other food in the kingdoms we take over. We leave them with nothing but scorched earth, so for them to survive, they will bow down to me, and your son will grow them food. He will not have a choice of course; he will be my slave and my little bed warmer until I find someone better." "What makes you think you can beat Jungkook, he is a prince after all. He must have training." "Oh, he is a prince, a soft pampered mama's boy. I have seen him before. He was too pathetic to take the throne after his father, so please, he is nothing to me. I live for fighting."

Tae's father thought about this. If he could show that Taehyung was the cause of everything, and that Jungkook gets destroyed, Jin and Jennie, his wife, will come back and everything will be fine. The king will forgive them, and they will again be important. Jin was already on his way to become part of the council; it can still happen. As long as Taehyung is gone for good. And being close by is not good enough, the dark forest is right next door, he can try to come back any time.

"Ok, we will do this. You challenge Jungkook for the right to mate with that f...I mean my son. You annihilate him, take my son and leave. I will get my family back. You will not want anything else from me? Just Taehyung?" "Just Taehyung" they shook hands, deal was struck.

Jungkook woke up with his flower sleeping on his chest. Finally, his flower was his. He knows they did things a little wrong way round. It was actually courting, bonding, mating, but whatever, they were mated now, they can do the bonding tonight.

He saw his flower finally waking up, his button nose all scrunched up. His green eyes slowly opened and looked at the man staring down at him. "Good morning my flower. Did you sleep well." The beautiful smile almost blinded Jungkook. "Good morning Koo, oh yes, I slept so good. Safe, in your arms." "You will always be safe with me flower." "Thank you, Koo, and I will always be next to you, loving you with everything I have." "I love you too, flower, so much"

They finally got up, bathing and got dressed.

As they opened the door, they were met with a queen in a not so good a mood, tapping her foot and arms crosses. "Jeon Jungkook, did you mate with your flower before bonding?" Jungkook gulped. "Mom, it just, it just happened..." "It can't just happen Jungkook, you actually have to make it happen, you know. Oh, what am I going to do with you. I can't be mad, I know how many years you have waited, and to even control up till yesterday was quite a feat. We will just do your bonding tonight, ok? And Tae, did he at least trat you like the gem you are?" Tae blushed all colours of red. "Yes, your majesty..." "No, no, now you also call me mom or Yoo-In, whichever, you are now also one of mine." "Yes, your" "Good, now, breakfast is served you two. And we have to see Jimin off as well, he needs to go back home."

Breakfast was filled with teasing by the others, causing poor Tae to remain red throughout. Jimin decided to yet again defer his return with one day to be at the bonding tonight. His friendship with Tae was like soulmates, and he needed to be there for his friend.

Jungkook sent a shadow message to Jin, informing him of the ceremony, and invited the four of them to come. The reply was quick, saying that Tae's mother is with them, she left the family house as well. He knew it would be a wonderful surprise for Tae if his family could be there, well almost all.

The bonding ceremony was beautiful, filled with love and promises.

Jungkook and Tae stood in front of each other holding hands. When they said their vows, the bond was sealed with black and silver lights ropes binding them together, for all eternity. Jin finally understood that the love between his brother and the prince was pure and real. Mina and Jennie cried a bit, Tae's mother as well, and Jackson smiling.

After the bonding, Tae saw his family and bursted into tears. He hugged his hyung and noona, his mom and Mina and Jackson. His eyes did search quickly, but realised his father was not there. He did not let that dampen his excitement. The queen treated Tae's mother with respect and kindness, knowing the guilt she had after the huge fallout. But she was here now, when it mattered.

Tae's family slept over and only left the next day, with promises of more visits and Tae would visit them as well.

Jimin, finally, bid everyone goodbye, hugging Tae closely. They promised to meet soon and Jimin can show Tae how he has practised with flower growing. Yoongi decided to accompany Jimin and maybe try to get him to start practicing archery again., not gonna happen.

Everything went back to normal, Jungkook and his Tae settling down in the palace, Tae learning many things from his now mother-in-law as well. They enlarged the garden and started growing medicinal herbs as well. Tae spent many days walking through the dark forest, helping plants to grow, he even worked on flowers that will be fine with the little sunlight. And he was doing an amazing job. Wherever he went, Jungkook could only smile with pride in how his people embraced the flower fae. Little kids walking behind him, vying for his attention, and he took care to make everyone feel special and seen. Jungkook would share his flower with everyone during the day, but at night it was just them, under the silver moonlight peeking in through the windows.

Then all hell broke loose.

Flower: A Taekook fantasy storyWhere stories live. Discover now