{Eloise + Raul}

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[Eloise and Raul's alliance in Camp Drama - unseen footage] - Friendship Oneshot

Also, this is from around Episode 5 (The circus one)

Requested by Rylancursefrontprof


Raul walked out of the cabin, looking down at the ground with sparse amount of hair on their head. Their expression was sad, but not as in super sad that they'll just bawl out in tears at any moment, they were just upset with themself. A few footsteps approached behind them.

"Raul? Is that you? And your hair..." Eloise spoke up. Raul quickly turned to face Eloise, their eyes widening.

"Oh. It's the barbie girl. I know, I look like a hairless skunk right now," they said, crossing their arms.

Eloise looked at Raul up and down, trying to manage to contain her laughter. She cleared her throat as she looked at them, hands on her hips.

"I heard that you got exposed for being a, quote-on-quote, 'villain'."

Raul looked down at the ground.

"Yeah," they replied.

"And you're probably going to be the next one eliminated if your team loses. Am I correct?"

"Yeah. What's it to you? You're just a dumb blonde," they said in a spiteful tone.

"Chilllll. I'm on your side," Eloise said, walking closer to Raul and putting her hand on their shoulder.

"Us villains need to stick together. Like this." Eloise let go of Raul's shoulder to cross her index and her middle finger together, crossing her fingers. "A secret villain alliance. Just the two of us."

"You're pretty evil, huh?" Raul smiled, liking the idea of where this conversation was going.

"Yup. And no one in my team knows. Mallory is too goody-goody and oblivious to know anything and Dominic is... Well, he's Dominic."

Raul started to chuckle at Eloise's words.

"Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought." Raul looked up at Eloise. "But how can you help me from elimination? You can't make your team purposely lose, because then I'm pretty much certain Mallory and Dominic will vote you out," they said.

"Welllll... I have just the thing to help you with that." Eloise smirked. "Come over to my cabin! No one's in there right now," she said as she jogged over to her cabin. Raul followed along.

Eloise opened up her cabin, which was pretty much clean and tidy - much more tidier than the Killer Piranhas' cabin.

"Come, come," Eloise said, gesturing Raul to come toward her.

"What are we doing here?" Raul asked, walking towards Eloise.

Eloise started to lift up a mattress and picked something up from under the mattress. She put forward her hand with a little, wooden tiki block.

"Is that... Is that the... Immunity idol?" Raul gasped with wide eyes.

"Yup. Found it from Ace in the most predictable place ever; under her bed," she said, laughing.

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