{Aaron + Xenon}

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[Aaron and Xenon draw and paint each other - Friendship fic]

Req by Z0L4R14N

"It was really cool of you to let me come over to your house," Xenon said as he walked over inside.

"Haha, yeah. So glad Camp Drama is over and we can just... Relax," Aaron responded while closing the door behind him. "Come over, I gotta show you my room." Aaron gestured him to follow him into a hallway, which eventually led the two over to his room.

"Is that... R&B music?" Xenon asks as he looks at the door beside Aaron's room. The door is riddled with stickers and a little sign.

"Oh. Yeah, my annoying sister. She's so old and still lives with my parents. I have to go through her calls, friends and... Eugh... her 'music sesh'; which is basically just blasting SZA at 2 A.M.," he groans, rolling his eyes. Xenon stifles a giggle as he enters into Aaron's room.

The room is pretty clean, despite a few paint tubes layered on the floor. The walls were a
sort-of gray and the floor was a vanilla coloured wooden floor. Pretty lights were dangled and strewn from the walls and a bookself was seen. Various paintings and artworks were hung up on one side of the wall and stains of dried paint were splattered all over the place, ranging from greens to pinks to blues.

Xenon spoke up, "your room looks pretty awesome." He looked around his walls, admiring the paintings that hung upon. Portraits of people, landscapes and fruit were one of the many variety of paintings which were stuck onto the wall.

"Thanks." Aaron felt awkward with Xenon being able to see his paintings right out all over the room. It made him feel weird.

"Your paintings are so cool, dude. I wish I could draw like you," Xenon says, looking at a painting of a strawberry. The details of the seeds were intricate and the glossiness plus the shading added made the strawberry give more depth to the painting, making it feel more alive in a way.

"Yeah, I, uh... I get that a lot, haha," Aaron chuckled as he scratched the back of his head. He sat down, looking over at Xenon who was just looking over and admiring the many paintings around Aaron's room.

"Soooo... What should we do?" Aaron spoke up.

"Uhhhhh..." Xenon thinks for a moment. His eyes light up and he peers over to Aaron, smiling. "You should draw me! I mean, if you want," Xenon says, his smiling forming into a grin.

Aaron absolutely hated being asked that question. He would get it from his family, especially his father, all the time and it irritated him greatly, though, Xenon was his friend and didn't want to reject his suggestion.

"Oh, uh. Sure dude," Aaron said, trying to curl a smile. He saw Xenon clap his hands and get all excited. He got himself up off his bed and walked over to where is easel was. He unraveled a fresh, new canvas, placing it on the easel and got out his palette which was smeared with old colours from previous paintings.

"Oooh, do I do a cool pose? Should I get my good side? Make a cool facial expression? Should I-"

"You can do anything you want. Just try not make it too complicated for me," Aaron interrupted Xenon's many questions, following along with a laugh. Xenon laughed along with him and just sat on his bed, smiling.

Aaron got out his paint tubes and started to squeeze a variety of blues, purples, blacks and whites together and began to swiftly sway his brush among the colours, creating new colours to form onto his painting palette.

Xenon kept trying to maintain his smile on his face, begging in his mind to not get a cramp from keeping in the same pose with the same face for too long. "Uhh, how long is this going to take?" Xenon asked.

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