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(A/N: Contains swearing!! also some sexual references, recommend listening to 'The Greatest Bastard' by Damien Rice while reading)

John's P.O.V:

Despite my vaguely muscular form and place on the football team, I was no match for Sebastian Moran, with his muscles that put anyone else's to shame, everything about him radiated toughness. This was especially true when he had backup. Mine had left with my supposed enemy. This should have bothered me more than it did- however one question was ringing through my head: Was Sherlock gay?
Perhaps the answer was obvious, my judgement, after all, was not as impeccable as Sherlock's.
"What the FUCK is your little psychopath boyfriend doing?" Moran had me cornered.
"He's NOT my boyfriend," He smirked and I shrunk slightly. "I don't know what he's doing." I sighed.
"If your boyfriend touches Jim-" He raised his fist.
"He's NOT MY BOYF-" I started,
"Fine. If your 'friend' touches Jim, I'll kill you both." He threatened, and his serious tone caused me to believe him.

Sherlock's P.O.V:

Moriarty's hand trailing down my arm made me feel physically sick inside, however my face showed no recognition of the gesture. Earlier, I would have been wishing it was John, perhaps even have tried to hallucinate it, if only to make this easier. We were walking in silence, and while his intentions were perfectly clear, I wasn't so sure. Did I really want to sleep with him? Even if it meant gaining valuable information? It would come down to a battle of intelligence, and while my intellect was vastly superior, Jim Moriarty had connections. Overall, we were very well matched.
The benefits outweighed the disadvantages, and I found myself with little choice. Perhaps I should have felt guilty for leaving John in the situation I knew he was now facing, but right now? I had more terrible things facing me.

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