chapter 1

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Todd knew from the start that love would be the death of his duty. Was it in his heart's intention to sweep a mighty dragon off his feet? maybe so.

"so, how much do you exactly need again?" the high voice came from a pink haired girl, with dog ears and tail it seems.

"As much as I can get." a man with a half scarred face and some visible wrinkle answered. Then sighed.

"Ehh, no need to sound so stressed. You've done this multiple times before. What's one more to you?" Yuri, the pink haired canine asked.

"It's not everyday I decide to mess with a psychotic end lizard. Have you seen how protective he is of even the little dusty corners of his house? that man's out of it."

A juicy sound of meat getting devoured filled the room as Yuri wiped her mouth and processed his words.

"No wonder everyone's bitchy about him.." she went for another questionably vicious bite. "No matter, my presence is here to merely complete our deal. I'll get you as many explosives as I can get my hands on. However, I expect an equal amount of arrows back, Todd." her tone wasn't that of stating a fact, but a slight warning.

Todd brushed his hand through his hair before zoning out for a second, as if planning his steps.

"Of course."

Of course, of course there is one man with an amount of arrows that could build up walls. And of course, this man happens to be one who strikes Todd's nerves up. Of course, he still needs these arrows somehow.

Todd is mostly a loner. Hasn't always been, but ended up alone nevertheless. This means he labors alone. He builds up his own walls.

His mission now was requested anonymously with a generous amount of wealth. And the person he is going for happens to be Luciel, a dragon of noble blood. He isn't too unfamiliar with noble blood. He's felt and held one afterall.

Todd brushed off a few specks of dirt on his face, before making his way into the cold. Coldness so deep, the warm figure who settles there always looks out-of-the-picture.

He put his hands together, like a prayer, and blew warm air into his closed palms.

Must he walk all the way over here, only to risk an arrow to the head?

There was an odd sound coming from the bushes, a shuffle.

Todd clung to his axe warily, before the stalker revealed itself. It was a fox with fur as white as snow, It looked at him for a few seconds, sniffed, then ran forward.

"Fuckin' snitch.." He whispered under his breath. Before walking on the snow with quite difficulty.

It isn't his first time around this area. He knew it by splatters of blood and sneers. He particularly memorized each step leading into the house. He is especially familiar with a certain fox that rules the area. He wasn't of noble blood, buts his hybrid nature covers it up. Only humans wouls have to claw their way up with bare hands. Although Todd did claw his way up with an explosion or two.

"Todd." an unsuprised voice, almost disappointed, snatched him from the pit of his thoughts. Ryo, dressed in red and dripping warmth -in irony of the cold weather and cool colors embracing the area- stepped forward.

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