chapter 4 : how lucky we are.

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Todd sat down after what felt like hours of intense pain. His energy was spent and he hadn't even done anything consuming yet.

It seemed that everyone already understood the king's commands without him having to specify any detail. He said he has to announce something soon. However, he did not mention how soon it is, and somehow the counsel understood him. Getting used to the nature of this kingdom was quite difficult, not to mention the amount of energy floating around. He heard lots of rumors about how it affects normal humans and other species, but it was easily brushed off.


After what seemed like an hour or two, the ender king was fully dressed, his fingers adorned with extra shiny rings. There was the sounds of two pairs of footsteps on the floor, one slow and mighty while the other was fast and messy.

After a while of walking, a huge beautifully designed door opened and the sound of yells and cheers came from a big crowd of citizens below. The crowd seemed to only grow bigger each second. The king hasn't even discussed any decisions with his counsel, and he was already taking in the cheers of his people regardless.

"Beloved people of the Ender land," he started. "I hope you've enjoyed the peace you've been blessed with. But peace is only a result of victory, and victory in turn, is a result of war. The people of the cherry fields have sent a shameless assasin, right to our kingdom and to my chambers." The crowd was overcome with silent confusion, as if they were all waiting in anticipation for the goal of all of this talk.

"My point is, If they want to play with fire then they shall recieve it back. Give what you take and take what you give." He paused for a moment, before a painfully artificial kind smile took over his face.

"And this, is a declaration of war."

Suddenly, the crowd below broke into voices of approval and motivated screams, while others were of great disapproval and heavy cries.

"We've finally had our peace after god-knows-how long, and we're being stripped away from it over something so foolish?!" one voice said

"What's foolish about his majesty's life being threatened? if they want to spill blood, then so will we!" another, though feminine, voice filled the air. Soon enough, the crowd was fighting eachother, as angry yells and the sound of punches came. Luciel was now calmly making his way down to the aggressive crowd of people.

What he saw was the sight of multiple people yelling and hitting one girl, as others tried to hold them back while the rest encouraged them.

"His majesty is better than the lot of you! If you have such big complaints about his decisions, why don't you try facing that assasin yourself then?!" She yelled, before a foot slammed into her abdomen again.

"Move aside." at the sound of the familiar powerful voice they all knew, people scattered and tried to run away.

Luciel presented the back of his hand to the small girl. A gesture only those of royalty do. She hesitated for a second before grabbing his hand and standing up.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. I've tainted your hand.." she said, seemingly embarrassed while brushing away dirt from her clothes.

"Nonsense. Come with me for now." He said, before gesturing to the guards then towards the people who escaped. God knows what they'll do to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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