Chapter I

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Things didn't change much at Sweet Apple Acres. It was the same thing every day. It was one chore after another. Applejack and Big Macintosh were bucking apples out of trees one day. It was hard work, but they loved it. They wouldn't have it either way.

Sweat was pouring down Applejack's forehead and onto her face. She bucked one more apple tree before wiping the sweat off from her forehead with her foreleg. She glanced over to her big brother, Big Macintosh, who had bucked another apple tree. Her brother walked over to his little sister with his bucket full of red apples.

"Things do get a bit tiring around here, doesn't it, Big Mac?" asked the orange mare in her thick southern accent.

"Eeyup," answered the red stallion.

Big Mac looked to his left, staring at something. Applejack followed his gaze and saw Twilight approaching them with a smile on her face. She wore a saddlebag on her back with fliers inside. Applejack's heart started to beat faster at the sight of the lavender alicorn. She was afraid to admit it, but the orange mare had a crush on the bookworm.

Applejack felt her cheeks get hot as Twilight looked her way and hid her face with her foreleg. Hopefully she'll understand that the shade of red from her face was from being out in the sun. She stopped in front of Applejack and Big Macintosh.

"Hi, Applejack. Hi, Big Mac."

"Howdy-do, sugarcube," said Applejack

"Mornin'," said the red stallion.

Watching the lavender alicorn simply stand there was all it took to make the orange mare smile.

"I assume you heard of the Ponyville's Days festival happening later."

Applejack and Big Macintosh looked at each other, perplexed. They had never heard anything about the Ponyville Days festival. The two ponies then shifted their attention to the lavender alicorn.

"That's tonight?" asked Applejack.

Twilight shook her head. "Oh no, it's happening tomorrow night."

She then pulled out a flier for the festival so Applejack and Big Macintosh could see. They exchanged shocked expressions.

"Oh!" exclaimed Applejack, "It's already here? Well, time surely has passed since the last one! Ain't that right, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." agreed Big Macintosh.

Applejack thought that the Ponyville's Days festival would be a terrific occasion to tell the lavender alicorn her feelings for her.

Twilight wrapped up the flier and stuffed it back into the saddlebag's pocket.

"I hope I see you there tomorrow night," she said.

The lavender alicorn waved goodbye to the two ponies before heading off and out of the apple orchard. Applejack watched in the direction where Twilight left and started to daydream. Big Mac shifted his gaze from the lavender alicorn to his little sister. He waved his hoof in front of her face to try and get her attention. He saw her not responding to him and rolled his eyes.

"Ah'd really appreciate it if ya would stop fantasizing about her and help me with the rest of the day's work," said Big Mac, walking toward the barn.

Applejack blinked back into reality and looked at her older brother.

"Ah wasn't fantasizing about anything!" snapped Applejack, following her big brother.

"That's not what your face told me."

Applejack was now walking beside Big Mac.

"Well, Ah'm sorry. Ah feel like this is my chance to finally tell her how Ah feel."

"There's no problem in telling her how ya feel. But it becomes a problem when it sidetracks ya from doin' ya chores."

The two ponies reached the barn's entrance and stopped.

"Ah wasn't sidetracked!"

"Oh, yeah? When's the last time you properly gave little Piggington a bath or helped Granny Smith with dinner since this... infatuation?"

Applejack took a second to think about it. Her crush on Twilight had distracted her from her usual farm life. She was ashamed to admit it and told no one but her big brother. Applejack's face flustered when she had come to a realization.

"Been some time, ain't it?"

Applejack looked down in shame.

"What's gotten into you lately?"

Applejack sighed. "Ah don't know. Ah love her, Ah really, really do."

Big Mac took notice of her sister's tone and sympathized with her.

"Tell ya what; You help me with the last of these chores, and I'll see if I can help you confess."

Applejack lifted her head up to her big brother. "'Help me confess'?"

"It's the least I can do for ya."

Applejack pondered on the idea. She was surprised she hadn't thought of it sooner. She formed a smile.

"Well, didn't Ah think of that? Big Mac, you're a genius!"

The red stallion looked away, abashed. "Well..."

"Okay, now that Ah have a solution to mah problem, Ah can now focus on what we need to do."

Big Mac smiled at her sister's accomplishment. With it being a little achievement, he was still proud. Applejack had no problem doing chores around the farm with her big brother from that moment forward. After all the chores had been finished, Applejack left the farm and went to pay a visit to one of her friends. 

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