Chapter IV

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The two mares entered the festival. Applejack stared at all the couples attending the festival and noticed most of them were engaging in romantic activities. She felt left out and wanted to share the same activity with the lavender alicorn. The rest of her friends were there and didn't notice it until Rainbow approached her.

"Hey, AJ, Twi!" she greeted, "Tell me, how's it going? Enjoying the festival?"

"We've just got here and I hope it's as fun as it looks," said the lavender alicorn.

"Yeah, me too," agreed the orange mare.

Applejack then leaned in to whisper into Rainbow's ear.

"What do I do now?"

"Ask her to dance with you."

Applejack remembered her daydream from earlier.

"Isn't it too early for that?"

"Of course not!"

"Let me get comfortable and then I'll ask her."

Rainbow agreed on the idea and walked away. As they kept on walking, they noticed their friends were there too. The two mares got closer to the dance floor. Music had started to play. Applejack slowly grew more confident and waved to the cyan pegasus nearby. The cyan pegasus trotted over to the pair and Applejack leaned in to whisper to the cyan pegasus.

"Ah think Ah'm ready now."

Rainbow smiled, glad to hear it.

"I'll be sitting at a table in the back if you need me."

"Sounds good."

Rainbow trotted away and Applejack moved her head toward Twilight. She cleared her throat to make her sound more presentable.

"Excuse me, Twi, but may Ah have this dance?"

The lavender alicorn became surprised at the offer as the orange mare offered her hoof to her. Heat sprouted to her face. She didn't know how to take her friend's offer. She'd expect a stallion to ask her to dance, but one of her own best friends. Sweat slowly rolled down Applejack's forehead, worried if the lavender alicorn would decide to leave the festival and not speak to her again for the rest of the week. She took a peek at the dance floor and looked back at Applejack.

"Yes, you may."

A wave of relief hit Applejack as Twilight took her hoof and both ponies walked to the dance floor. The two mares stood up on their hindlegs and wrapped their forelegs around each other, holding each other close. They danced at a slow pace, getting comfortable. The orange mare wore a hangdog look as she had a feeling she and Twilight were being perceived as the only dancing partners who were both mares. Twilight had the same feeling but happened to push it aside and take note of Applejack's dancing skills.

Twilight was most impressed.

"Since when did you learn how to dance?"

"Ah took dancing lessons in mah spare time," admitted Applejack sheepishly.

"Wow! Who taught you?"

"Rainbow Dash," Applejack blushed.

"Well, I must give her credit and say she did her homework. Better than anything I've taught her."

Applejack smiled nervously. She hoped tonight went as planned.

Rainbow sat at a spare table and watched the two mares dance with envy. It should've been her dancing with the cowpony instead of the lavender alicorn. She rested her chin on her hoof on the table as she continued to watch. Her eyes glanced over to the rest of the dancers on the dancefloor. Then Rarity walked over to the same table in a fancy dress and took a seat beside her, fuming.

Rainbow fixed her gaze on her instead of Applejack and Twilight.

"What's the matter with you?"

"That stuck up stallion over there turned me down for a dance and chose another mare over me."

Rainbow looked over at what Rarity was gesturing to. It was the tall, light gray unicorn with the light amber mane and tail and blue eyes. He supposedly visited to help the residents in Ponyville celebrate, but actually came to display his popularity from Canterlot.

"Prince Blueblood?"

"Yes, that clown."

"Haven't you learned your lesson about trying to get with him the first time?"

"No, I haven't."

Rainbow glanced at Applejack and Twilight and then at Rarity.

"You know, the night's still young and you can show that egoist what he's missing out on."

Rarity looked up at the cyan pegasus. "What are you trying to say?"

"If you still want to dance, I'm here." Rainbow winked and pointed her hoof at her.

Rarity looked down at the table, not knowing how to take the random offer.

"Well, I did plan to have a good experience tonight..."

Rarity looked over to the light gray stallion dancing with the other mare who approached after he turned down Rarity. She still felt disrespected by the light gray stallion but Rainbow had a point. She turned to the cyan pegasus.

"I'll consider it."

"Does this mean I can have this dance?" asked the cyan pegasus complacently, offering her hoof to the light gray unicorn.

"And how," Rarity took the cyan pegasus' hoof and both of them joined the dance floor with Twilight and Applejack.

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