Chapter III

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The next day, Rainbow Dash and Applejack took a walk through Ponyville. Rainbow Dash could see how tensed up Applejack was getting. They went over a plan by asking Twilight to be the orange mare's special somepony for the Ponyville Days festival and then ask for a dance later that evening. Rainbow tried to loosen up the orange mare by questioning her.

"What will you do if she says 'yes'?"

Applejack formed a smile. "Then I'll be the happiest apple bucking pony ever in all of Equestria."

"And what if she says 'no'?"

The smile faded from her face. "Then I'll be the saddest apple bucking pony in all of Equestria."

They saw the lavender alicorn at Sugarcube Corner from afar. She had been assigned to pick up a delivery. The sight of the lavender alicorn made Applejack queasy. She tried to back out and walk away but Rainbow stopped her from doing so.

"Where do you think you're going?"


"Good. Now, remember what I've told you."

"Ah can't seem to remember anything right now."

"You'll remember it eventually."

"Where are you going to be?"

"Behind that tree."

Rainbow Dash pointed to a nearby tree that wasn't far away from the town's bakery.

Applejack gulped. "What if she says 'no'?"

"She's not going to say 'no'. I already told you this earlier. There's no way she'll say 'no' to a mare like you. You're beautiful, kind, caring-"

Rainbow stopped mid sentence as she heard the words leave her gob that explained what she thought of Applejack. Applejack raised a brow at the words the cyan pegasus described her.

"Ya really think that?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah!" answered the cyan pegasus, a tint of red growing on her cheeks.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck and put on an awkward smile. Applejack didn't catch Rainbow's hint and still thought of Twilight.

"Ah hope yer right."

"Now, go get her, tiger!"

Rainbow Dash flew to her hiding space while Applejack walked over to the lavender alicorn. Twilight saw Applejack walking toward her and greeted her.

"Hello, Applejack, nice day we're having."

"Hehe, it sure is," the orange mare chortled, looking up to the blue sky, trying not to sound ill at ease.

"Didn't you hear what they're doing at tonight's festival?"

"No, Ah have not. But speaking of tonight..."

Applejack tried her best not to sound nervous. She glanced at the tree Rainbow was eavesdropping at and took a deep breath before turning her gaze back to the lavender alicorn.

"Ah was wonderin' if you wanted to go to the Ponyville Days festival as mah special somepony," offered Applejack timidly, "Er- that is if you don't have plans of going with anypony else."

Sweat was pouring down Applejack's forehead as she continued to put on a nervous smile.

'Ah'm makin' a fool outta mahself,' thought Applejack.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin and smiled at the idea. "Sure! Why not?"

Twilight was handed her delivery and left. "See you tonight, Applejack!"

Applejack was stunned as she watched Twilight leave. Rainbow Dash saw everything and popped out from her hiding place behind the tree.

"I told you she wouldn't say no!"

Applejack paid no attention to the cyan pegasus and kept staring in the direction where the lavender alicorn went. She managed to vocalize a sentence.

"She said yes... She said yes! Woohoo!"

Rainbow Dash trotted out of her hiding place behind the tree and over to the orange mare. Applejack couldn't get over the fact twilight accepted her offer.

"Ah don't believe it! She actually said 'yes'!"

"I told you she would!"

Applejack was so happy, she stood on her hind legs, brought the cyan pegasus up to her level, and started to dance in a promenade fashion. Applejack was getting out of control and started to embarrass Rainbow as they were dancing in the middle of Ponyville. Thankfully, no pony saw them. Rainbow escaped the orange mare's grasp and set herself down, resting back on all four hooves.

"Okay, I get you're excited! But please save the dancing for tonight."

Applejack sheepishly let go of the cyan pegasus and rested on all four hooves. "Sorry, guess Ah got too excited."

Later that evening...

Applejack was ready. She had been ready before the sun went down. She left the orchard in her best suited dress and headed for the Golden Oak Library. She waited for Twilight when she got there. She knocked on the door and Spike answered. The young drake loved the orange mare's dress.

"My, my, Applejack, you look magnificent."

The orange mare blushed. "Shucks, Spike, you really shouldn't have. Is Twilight ready?"

"Twilight won't be long. Wait right here."

Spike closed the door. Applejack had to wait only one minute until Twilight opened the door, wearing a sparkling cyan blue dress. Applejack was open-mouthed. Twilight smiled at her friend.

"Hello, Applejack, are you ready?"

The orange mare smiled back. "Why, yes, I am."

The two mares trotted away from the library. Spike poked his head out the door and waved to the two mares.

"Have fun!"

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