Chapter II

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After she reached her friend's house, she knocked on their door and waited until they answered. She was happy to find a cyan Pegasus opening the door. The cyan Pegasus was happy to see her too.

"AJ!" she greeted happily, "What's up?"

"Rainbow, Ah need help with a date,"

"Well, you've come to the right pony!" Rainbow flashed a big smile, letting out a squee.

Applejack felt relieved somepony would help her with her dilemma.

"So, who's the lucky mare? Is she as awesome as me? Or better yet, are you sure it's not me?" Rainbow Dash batted her eyes.

Applejack chuckled nervously.

"May I come in?"

"Sure!" Rainbow Dash beckoned with her hoof leading inside her living room. When the two ponies found themselves alone in the living room, Applejack spoke up.

"Can you keep a secret?"

Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at her. "I'm super cool at keeping secrets! Whatcha got?"

Applejack closed her eyes shamefully. "I may have fallen in love with Twilight."

Rainbow's eyes went wide. Her eyes could've fallen out of her skull if they weren't attached to her eye sockets. She placed a hoof to cover her mouth. Tears welled up in the cyan Pegasus' magenta eyes.

"Ah know it's a lot ta take in, but Ah was wondering' if you could help me." Applejack scratched the back of her neck.

Rainbow wiped the tears out of her eyes and put on a sad smile. "Sure! What are friends for?"

Rainbow Dash did have feelings for the orange cowpony, but decided to respect her choices and let her be happy.

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "So, uh, what do you have planned?"

"For what?"

Rainbow was so caught up in the fact Applejack didn't like her back, she forgot she was helping her trying to confess her love to their other friend.

"What's your plan to help confess to Twi?"

"Oh, yeah, right, that!"

Rainbow looked around her living room. She spotted an open book sitting upside down on her couch. She grabbed the book off the couch and read it.

"Do you plan on trying to dance with her?" she asked, taking her eyes off the pages and looking at the orange mare.

"Uh..." The orange mare tensed up and felt her face heat up, her mind playing the imaginative scene of her and Twilight dancing.

"The reason I'm asking is because I have this book about dancing lessons."

Rainbow Dash walked over to the orange mare and showed her the different types of dance moves with a partner such as the Waltz and the Argentine Tango.

Applejack tilted her head on why Rainbow Dash would keep a book on such an intimate act. "Why do you have a book about dancin' lessons?"

Rainbow Dash felt embarrassed and looked away with the orange mare being too naive to understand what her friend was going through.

"Let's say I was hoping to go with somepony to the Ponyville Days festival as a date, hoping to seize the moment when I ask a certain somepony to dance with me, and then tell them how I felt."

"That sounds like my predicament."

"Welcome to the club." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"But where did you get that book?"

"Well, technically, it's Twilight's book, but Rarity wanted it to practice her dancing lessons so Twi said she could have it, and Rarity lent it to me," answered Rainbow Dash through her teeth, embarrassed.

Applejack was shocked to find out that the second most athletic pony not only reads comic books, but books about romance. She found herself getting sidetracked and shook her head.

"Enough screwin' around. Time's a wastin'. What's the best way for me to tell Twilight how Ah feel?"

"Like I said; you could wait for the right moment to ask her to dance with you and tell her there."

"Okay..." Applejack's voice trailed off.

The two ponies stood in the room in silence, their eyes wandering around the cyan pegasus' living room.

"Could you teach me how to dance?" The orange mare finally spoke up.

Rainbow was taken aback and her eyes set on the orange mare in front of her, turning red in the face.

"Me, you, what?"

"I asked if you could teach me how to dance?"

Rainbow scratched the back of her head. "You know, I would, but-"

"But what?"

"I don't know how to dance!" blurted out Rainbow.

"If we read what the book says, we might just figure it out."

Rainbow Dash was reluctant to do so but gave in. The two ponies stood on their hindlegs and wrapped their forelegs around each other, reading off the directions out of the book.

First, they tried a simple Waltz dance. To their surprise, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash found themselves to be innate dancers. Five minutes had passed and both ponies were pleased at how good their skills were.

"You sure are the dancer, Rainbow," complimented Applejack.

"I bet you say that to everypony at the rodeos," joked Rainbow Dash.

Both ponies had a chuckle. They spent a couple of minutes dancing and staring at each other's eyes. Rainbow felt her cheeks heat up from how close she was to Applejack. Applejack noticed this as well. Rainbow couldn't help herself and started to close her eyes, leaning in to kiss the orange mare.

Applejack saw how close Rainbow was getting and felt her press her lips against hers, catching her off guard. Rainbow noticed her behavior and quickly pulled back in embarrassment.

"What was that for?" asked Applejack.

"Um, kissing practice?" answered Rainbow sheepishly, turning red in the face.

Applejack rolled her eyes and wiped her muzzle with her foreleg. The two ponies stayed still, not moving an inch.

"This is getting awkward."

"Ah think Ah got it now," said Applejack.

"I think so too," agreed Rainbow.

Then the two ponies separated from each other and rested on all four hooves. Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed that she took the risk of kissing her crush.

"Ah think Ah better be goin' now. See ya around," said Applejack.

"Yeah. See ya."

Applejack then walked to the door of the cyan pegasus' home. The orange mare placed a hoof on the door knob to turn it. But before she did, she took one last glance at the cyan pegasus.

"Thank ya."

Rainbow Dash looked up at the orange mare. "Huh? Oh, uh, no problem. That's what I'm here for."

Then Rainbow watched as Applejack walked out the door. When the door closed, she felt ashamed of herself for acting out on her friend.

"Go get her, tiger," she said sadly, walking out of the living room.

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