🎟️🔪📚"Unfortunate Argument" Medkit x Banhammer

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Medkit... Oh Medkit.

If only he hadn't been so careless, maybe he wouldn't have ended up in jail, AGAIN.

What happened, you may ask?


Medkit had gotten a request from Scythe, to go get some extra parts to help upgrade her arm.

He searched each and every corner shop, but to no avail, as none of them had the parts he was looking for.

He only had one other choice... Blackrock.

Insane, right? Going back to the region you were pretty much thrown out of, only for some pieces?

Medkit himself hated the thought, but it was the only possible place where he could find what he was looking for.

And... Long story short, as he was searching for the shop that had what he needed, he got caught by some police men and taken to jail.

And here he was, back against the cold cement wall.

It wasn't the first time he'd been here, and it certainly was going to be the last time.

He heard some heavy steps, approaching his cell...


Oh heck no! Out of everyone, why him?! Why his boyfriend?! I mean, ofcourse he'd come to whatever jail Medkit would've gotten in, afterall he's the greatest warden there is. He'd be granted full access to anything.

"Medkit." Banhammer growled, leaning on the iron bars.

Medkit glance up at him, not making a single effort to lift himself up. "Banhammer."

"Why in the hell are you here? What did you do this time?"

"Nothing. Merely existing." Medkit blinked grumpily.

"Oh don't give me that 'just existing' bullshit! I know you did somethin'!" Banhammer growled again, the other inmates could be heard murmuring with one another.

Medkit scoffed. "Oh please! You think I would've come here willingly just to commit whatever crime I could? I never come here unless I'm required to, and I don't get caught up in old stories!" He finally got up, taking a step towards the bars.

"I don't think I believe you haven't done anything. You sure you didn't shoot a certain someone? Or did you steal again? For fucks sake, Meds', I can't keep hopping from jail to jail to get you out!"

"I didn't do anything!" Medkit said ((angry brit noises)).

"Dont lie to me." Banhammer snarled at him. For the other inmates, this was like a soap opera.

"I'm not lying! I came here just to get some parts for- Y'know whose arm!" Medkit couldn't bring himself to mention Scythe. He knew that if he mentioned it, any other individual listening to this conversation might guess he was a part of the Family.

"Really? That's your excuse?" Banhammer opened the jails door, stepping in, stopping in front of Medkit.

Medkit wasn't intimidated one bit. "It's not an excuse! It's the truth! Out of everyone, I'd expect you to understa-" Medkit was cut off as Banhammer grabbed him by the collar and pinned him to the wall.

"Medkit, be honest, for Illuminas' sake! Tell me the fucking truth! I'm not going to be your personal jail-breaker and get you out everytime you get caught for anything! I told you that last time I wouldn't help you out again, and you didn't listen to me!" Banhammer yelled at him.

Medkit struggled in his grip. "Please put me down- I told you I didn't do anything!" He pleaded.

Banhammer growled again, and changed the way he was holding him, so he would be pinning Medkit by the neck with one strong arm, hand wrapped around the neck. "Tell. Me. The. TRUTH."

Medkit had a harder time breathing. "I'm sorry I- I seriously didn't- I didn't do-"

"LIAR!" Banhammer lashed out, punching Medkit right in the face, breaking his nose, resulting in a nosebleed. Banhammer could feel tears swelling in his eyes. Out of frustration, he ripped his blindfold off, revealing his four black eyes, his white, cat (i spelled it car at first,,) alike, pupils staring at Medkit. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR LIES! TELL ME THE FUCKING TRUTH FOR ONCE! ALL YOU DO IS LIE TO ME! AND I STILL LOVE YOU AFTER ALL THOSE FUCKING LIES YOU THROW AT ME!"

"B- Banhammer please- I didn't-" A tear rolled down Medkit's cheek, alongside blood.

Banhammer punched him again, somewhat digging his claws into his neck, resulting in tiny beads of blood forming, meaning he had just gone past the layer of skin. Any further, and he risked killing his boyfriend. "LIAR."

After snapping out of the moment, Banhammer found himself there. Tears rolling down his cheeks as a slow but steady pace, and the bloodied, crying, Medkit in his grasp.

He let Medkit go. Medkit landed down with a thud, as he wiped his face, wincing in pain.

Banhammer took a step back. "Meds' I-" He was shocked at his own behavior. He glanced ar his hands: both stained with crimson red blood.

Banhammer's breathing quickened as he stormed out of the cell, wiping his face as he left.

As for Medkit.... He got taken to the prisons' nurse, who helped him with the physical injuries, as well as help comfort him again.

Banhammer went... to his mother. She was the first one he'd go to in a moment like this.

He entered the home, sniffling.

"Banny?" Windforce turned around, feeling the presence of her son. Alarm filled her when saw her son like that.

Banhammer just walked to her, and hugged her, breaking down and crying in her arms.

"Oh my precious child... Shh...." She caressed his head as he cried. It broke her heart to see her son like this. "Whatever it is, it's gonna be fine. I assure you."

Was it truly going to be fine, in the end?

Would Medkit forgive him?



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