13) Troubling thoughts.

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Adaline's pov:

Pulling the soft sheets towards me, I cuddled into it, feeling it's warmth and comfort. Although, the sound of a loud bell took away that pleasant comfort right from my grasp. I opened my eyes, annoyed at the interruption. I forcefully pushed my Body away from the comfortable platform and lifted the thick warm sheets off of my figure.

Getting up to my feet, I made my way over to the bathroom. opening the door, I went on with my morning routine. After walking out, I took in a much needed breath of air and went to change into more suitable clothes. However, it instantly came to me that I wasn't at my uncle's, instead, I was at my supposed soulmates home. Feeling perplexed on what to wear, I went in the closet to search for at least something that will fit me. Although, when I entered the said room, I found a chair right Infront of me with pieces of folded clothing, on top of them was a small note saying:

" To my red,

I figured you would've wanted to change our of your previous clothes, so I bought you a few that I thought you'd like. If you don't prefer these then I left some cash on top of the counter if you'd like to buy more. If you'd like to see me I'll be in my office.

-Your beloved.

PS. Don't ask how I knew your size. "

I smiled at the little note, it was cute, although it still concerned me how he knew my size. Forgetting about that matter, I locked the door behind me and began to undress, leaving my undergarments on. The clothes consisted of a red turtle neck and black baggy jeans, it wasn't really what I would naturally wear, but it was something new.

After pulling on my new clothes, I went to grab my shoes that I found beside the bed. As I sat down I slipped on both pairs of my Mary Jane shoes. feeling comfortable with my appearance, I strolled over to the door about to open it, although, as I tried to pull the knob of the door, it wouldn't budge. Feeling confused, I tried to pull on it again, unfortunately, I was met with the same results.

"What? Why is the door locked?!" I rattled the door knob more roughly this time, but it still wouldn't budge.

"Hello?! Is someone there? Open the door!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could but to no avail, the door wouldn't open.

I huffed out of frustration and went to sit on the bed to clear out my jumbled thoughts. I knew exactly who locked the door, but why would he? I thought we were on good terms. Why would he have to lock me up again? I've realised my feelings towards him, isn't that enough for him to trust me? All these questions came rushing into my mind, but one question out of them all stood out, is he going to pick her over me? That women that I saw yesterday talking to him, I heard what she said clearly. I still don't understand this whole new werewolf thing, but I got a hold of a few things. Like the...what did he call it again? Mate? I think that's what it was. He said it was like having a soulmate. And he said I'm his soulmate. But if I'm his soulmate, then why is he marrying that other women? Am I just a plaything to him? Am I just a joke? Is he really just using me as practice for when he's with her? I don't even know the women yet I can't help but hate her.

A string of anger began to travel through my body, tears were on the verge of falling, but I kept myself strong. If I was really just a plaything, I wouldn't ever forgive that enfoiré.
Sighing at my uncontrolled thoughts, I decided that I would first listen to what he has to say the next time we meet, then I would judge.

All of a sudden, I heard a hard tap on the window, I averted my eyes to it, although I saw no-one. Curiosity taking the better of me, I walked over to the window and peered down to see if there was any individual outside. However, I was completely surprised when I saw Aisha and a few little children smiling and waving at me from the garden, I smiled back and waved. As they went to play I began to look around the beautiful garden wishing I was down there playing with them, although as I was looking around, my smile began to fade. I was looking at a tall dark tree, behind it was a man grinning from ear to ear horridly. My eyes widened to an extent as he began to lift up something that was behind his back, what I saw shook me to the core, my knees felt weak, and my vision began to blur, I began to back away from the window up until I hit the bed frame.

I sat down slowly, my eyes still wide open, I felt my stomach tighten and the contents in it begin to come out. My heart rate was dangerously fast, I couldn't stop, I needed someone, anyone to hold on to, the room was cold but I was sweating like I just came back from running five laps. I took in a deep breath and out, one thought was on my mind, and it was to kill that disgusting, repulsive man. For What that man was holding in his hands...Was my mothers head.


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoy this one! Had lots of fun writing this one. Plus don't forget to comment and vote, it makes my day!

Anyway, I love you all, bye!

If you like this story stay tuned for the ones!

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