Chapter 6

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Author's Note- I'm so sorry for the huge delay with this chapter!

Stefan's POV:

"What?!" Damon asked, eyes wide with desperation and hope.

"I think I've realised a loophole... if we bring Jo back, then she'll be the leader of the Gemini Coven, which means that she'll have the power to undo any spells that Kai has created" Caroline explained.

"Well gorgeous, I guess you're not just a pretty face!" Enzo flirted with Caroline.

He was starting to piss me off with that, he knows there's 'something' going on with me and Caroline and yet he still continues to flirt with her.

"That sounds right, providing that Klaus' witches can still bring Jo back... they can do, right?" Bonnie asked him, craving some reassurance from Klaus.

"If you all keep up your end of the bargain then they can do. Caroline? Can I speak to you please? Alone." Klaus asked her.

"Why?" She asked him, quickly taking a glance at me.

I could feel myself getting jealous and I noticed everyone sense the awkwardness as they glanced from Caroline to me.

"I just really need to speak to you, it won't take too long..." He began.

"Fine. You have five minutes, okay?" Caroline cut him off, and walked outside and Klaus followed her.

They left the room and walked far enough away so that none of us could hear and everyone looked at me awkwardly. I felt a surge of jealousy that I'd never quite felt before and punched the wall, putting a huge hole through it with plaster crumbling to the floor. I didn't stay to hear what the others were going to stay and vamp sped to my room.

Caroline's POV:

"Right Klaus, I think we can stop walking now. What do you wanna say to me?" I said getting frustrated from following him through the woods.

"I want to know where I stand, regarding 'us' and where you stand with... him" Klaus told me.

"There is no 'us' Klaus, and there never was an 'us'. I'm sorry but... one hookup in the woods doesn't constitute a love story, I'm not in love with you. And with regards to Stefan and I, we're kinda something. I'm not sure what yet, but all I know is that he makes me happy." I said softly, hoping he'd understand.

"And you're in love with him?" Klaus asked.

"I am." I answered.

Klaus clenched his jaw and then I noticed his expression change from anger to sadness.

"I understand. Thank you for your honesty." He said emotionlessly.

We began to walk back to the house in silence.

Stefan's POV:

It'd been about twenty minutes since Caroline and Klaus had disappeared into the woods to talk, she said he only had five minutes. I heard a knock at my bedroom door and walked to open it, Bonnie had came to 'check on me'.

"You have nothing to worry about, you know that right?" She told me.

"I don't know Bonnie... Caroline has this kind of bond with Klaus and..." I began but Bonnie cut me off.

"Stefan are you crazy?! Caroline and Klaus had a little sexual tension but she certainly feels nothing for him. Are you really that blind to see that she's crazy about you?" Bonnie said exasperatedly.

"You really think so?" I asked her doubtfully.

"Trust me. I've known that little control-freak since we were in diapers, I know so." Bonnie tried to reassure me.

She patted me on the shoulder and left my room and I heard the front door close downstairs, someone had just came in. I used my vamp hearing and learnt that Klaus and Caroline had returned from their little chat. I walked downstairs and sat in the living room with everybody. Caroline looked at me and smiled softly, that beautiful smile that makes me want to be with her even more, and I smiled back at her.

"Does anybody fancy playing a board game?" Asked Alaric, shaking a box full of board games.

Everyone agreed, a lot less enthusiastic than Caroline I might add (board games are her forte) and we settled on playing Monopoly in teams: Me and Damon, Caroline and Bonnie, Alaric, Matt and Enzo and Klaus and Rebekah. We began to set up the game when we saw a wooden bullet shoot through the air coming in through the window, narrowly missing Caroline. All of a sudden a mammoth amount of wooden bullets began getting shot into our house and the door slammed open.

And there stood our estranged mother.

Thank you for reading my story😊

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