Chapter 8

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Caroline's POV:

It must've been at least 2 months since I was captured and at least 5 days since Valerie last visited me in my cell, and nobody else has came by. I don't understand what's going on! There is no way that Stefan and the others would just abandon me, I know it.
I know him.
Valerie must have done something to them, that's the only explanation. They wouldn't just forget about me. If I was ever going to try and escape, then now was the time to.
I had looked around the room and examined it for days and found that if I could swing my legs far away enough then I could maybe reach the key with my foot and somehow pass the key from my foot to my hand and unlock them from my hanging cell.
I only had one shot at this, if I knocked the key to the ground I'd have no chance of reaching it. I swung my legs back and forth to gain power an speed and managed to scoop the keys up and fling them to my hands. With great difficulty, I eventually unlocked myself, falling to the floor in a heap.

Now, to find out what the hell was going on.

Stefan's POV:

It'd been 8 months since we got Caroline back and as glad as I was that she was safe, she seemed somewhat different. Klaus kept his end of the bargain and had a witch resurrect Jo, who in turn used a Gemini spell to awaken Elena. However, Caroline seemed unaffected by it all, it was like she didn't care about anything. Well anything except me. She wanted to be with me every second of every day and it really wasn't like her to be so insufferably clingy. Something isn't right with her, I know that much.
I know her.

Valerie's POV:
I'd never been happier. I used a spell that I learned years back to make myself appear to look and speak exactly like Caroline, to everyone accept her. Last time I spoke to her, she was starting to crack, what with the boredom and lack of blood and all. She was wondering why her friends had given up on her, I almost felt kinda bad, it was never my intention to hurt her, honestly it wasn't. But in order to get Stefan back there was bound to be collateral damage.

Stefan and I were on one of our many dates to, what I'm told is, our favourite diner, The Old Rose. It felt so right to be back in his life, having him wrap his arms around me as we walked to the diner. It was just like old times, him being so loving and attentive. He's always been such a sweetheart.
He asked me to officially be his girlfriend pretty much the day after I 'escaped', he thought I was Caroline of course but it didn't matter. He was mine now.


Caroline's POV:

I stumbled out of a small log cabin in the woods that appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, the sun almost blinding me while my eyes adjusted to the light having been cooped up in a dark and dingy room for the past couple of months. I was surprised to still be wearing my daylight ring, I didn't imagine Valerie to have the decency to allow me to keep it. Although, I suppose she didn't imagine I'd be able to escape. Really, of all of our enemies from the past and present, she really was shaping up to be a disappointment, I expected more from her to be truly honest. I mean if you're going to kidnap someone then don't make such a rookie mistake of leaving the key still in the room. But still, I'm glad that she did.
After walking for miles through endless forest (I didn't have the energy to vamp speed on such a lack of blood) I come to a quiet road that I kind of recognised; it seemed to be one of the outer roads leading to Mystic Falls. Perfect. After waiting for about fifteen minutes, I finally saw an opportunity to catch a ride back to town. A blue ford mondeo cruised down the road, urgently I stuck out my thumb hoping that he guy driving would stop.
Pulling over, the guy rolled down his window and started quizzing me, wide eyed, on what had happened to me and was I okay, it dawned on me that I really must look a wreck.

"Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna drive me to the Salvatore Boarding House, you're gonna drop me off, you're never going to remember this and you aren't going to bother me with questions of concern on the ride back, okay?" I compelled the man.

"Okay" He replied.

After about twenty minutes of flicking through the radio, I bid goodbye to the forcedly helpful stranger and looked up and the house.
I pushed open the front door and walked in.

It's showtime.

Hey guys!

Really sorry for leaving the story for so long on a cliffhanger, it was never my intention.
Honestly, I was really busy with studies around the time of my last chapter and then just forgot about the story and never came back to it.

I'm gonna keep updating little bits while we're in lockdown, seems like the perfect time to do so!

Thank you so much for all the love I've seen in the comments!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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