01. Assignment

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Chapter one.


Some other widows and I were in the training room, practicing for missions. We were almost done when the door suddenly opened and everyone in the training room whipped their heads to see who was entering. An older widow walked in, she looked to be around 17 or 18. She had pretty dark brown hair that was around to her shoulders. She's really pretty.

She glanced around at all the widows in the room, looking like she was scanning for one specific person. When she finally made eye contact with me, she spoke, "Anastasiya, you are needed in Dreykov's office. Follow me."

I nodded and walked over to her. I was trailing behind the brunette girl, keeping a little distance between us but also keeping up with her pace. I was trying not to show it, but I was so nervous. Dreykov only calls widows to his office for something bad. Rarely anything good. I try to recall anything I could've done to be brought to his office.

We walk for a little while longer. I couldn't come up with anything, so maybe it is something good... Maybe Dreykov's a good person for once.

I look up after spacing out before realizing we're finally at his office. The older girl opened the doors and my breath hitched. It was a different mood in the air. It was all so tense. The widow who led me there stiffened, clearly scared. Everyone was terrified of Dreykov, I mean, who wouldn't be? I cautiously stepped into the room, not knowing who or what was inside.

Before I could take another step, I heard his voice. "Anastasiya! Cece." I shivered at the sound of that nickname. "Good to see you again." I don't want to be here. I make eye contact with him and see he's sitting at his desk, like always, with many files and papers on top. "Come here, don't be shy. I won't bite" He urged. I look around, scanning my surroundings to the best of my ability without taking too long. After concluding that this is the safest I could be in this place, I walk over to Dreykov.

In the red room we were always taught that emotions show weakness, so I try to relax and steady my voice before speaking. "Hello, sir." I can see his lips curl up into a smile, which made me feel queasy. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin when he looked at me, I just want to hide.

He stared at me for a minute before looking down at one of the files on his desk and picking it up. "Well, I have a very serious job for you." He clear's his throat before continuing, "You're going to be retrieving an extremely important package. Normally, the more advanced widows would have this mission. However, you've already had your... you know. Ceremony." Out of everything he could've said, I did not expect that. I could feel myself slipping into the reality of my past. Suddenly, I couldn't hear Dreykov anymore. The only thing I could hear was the sound of metal wheels rolling down a bumpy hallway.

--WINTER, 2010.--

My ankles were burning from being strapped down so tight and I could barely move my wrists from how constricted the restraints were. I was in a hospital gown, being taken to what I could only assume was the medical room. My heart was pounding in my ears, and my breathing was only getting shallower the deeper we went into the hallway. I need to get out. I can't breathe. Was it always this difficult? I was pushed through a door into what looked like a surgery room. It was so bright. I could see a tray full of tools that I did not want anywhere near me.

"Anastasiya?" A surgeon called my name with a thick russian accent. He walked in, wearing blue scrubs, a very tight cap and a mask. He picked up what I could only describe as big tweezers.

"What are you gonna do with those?" I shakily said. My vision started to blur, eyes filling with tears, and I still felt like I couldn't breathe. "Don't touch me with that! I can kill you with my bare hands!"

He laughed, walking over to me. "Not with those you can't." He mocked, pointing at the restraints. "Дайте ей анестезию." Another doctor nodded and grabbed a big needle. Even though I'm a widow, and I'm supposed to never show fear, I am deathly afraid of needles. I looked at anything I could reach to be able to escape, but there was nothing close enough.

The second doctor walked over with the needle, grinning maliciously. "Don't fucking touch me with that!" I screamed. I was trying to get out, wiggling any way that could possibly loosen it, but the only thing that did was make it dig into my skin and sting more.

"Don't make this harder than it already is." He cleaned the tip of the needle and walked over.

"Nonono.. I'm sorry! You don't have to do this please!" I pleaded. I continued to scream and yelp as he called for people to hold me down. My breathing quickened and I started to panic even more. "Please I'll do anything!"

He injected the anesthetic into my arm and instantly I could feel myself numbing. I felt drowsy and my eyes were so heavy, but I forced them to stay open. I continued to mumble and plead for them to not go through with the procedure, but nothing worked. "С десятым днем рождения, Анастасия." I could hear him talk very faintly, but still enough to make out what he said. Seconds after that I passed out from the anesthesia.


"...experienced, therefore I trust you." I zoned back in, not wanting to miss the whole point of why I'm here. "Your mission is to go to New York City and take a package from a woman named Akira." Akira? I recognize that name... I can't pinpoint from where though. "You will leave tomorrow morning. You can skip training today and go get ready for tomorrow." I nod and thank him, even though I didn't want to, and took that as my que to leave.

"Anastasiya." I spun around to face him. He was now standing, walking towards me.

I stare at him confused for a second before clearing my throat. "Yes sir?" I awkwardly stand there, not understanding what else he could need.

He opens his arms and my eyebrows furrow, making me even more confused. "Come give me a hug. I think I deserve one, since I'm giving you a very important job." I suddenly realized what he meant, and I took a deep breath. Just give him the hug, then leave.

I walked over and hesitantly hugged him. I could feel his arms close around me, squeezing us together. The hug was way too tight, and I wanted to just push him off and run, but there would be consequences for being disrespectful. He finally let go and told me good luck before dismissing me. I walked as fast as I could out of his office without causing a disturbance.

Translations : (sorry if they're wrong i used google translate to check..)
Дайте ей анестезию - Give her anesthesia
С десятым днем рождения, Анастасия - Happy tenth birthday, Anastasiya

livie speaks ;

hopefully i can actually keep a schedule, im gonna try to update every tuesday but it just depends !sorry its pretty short the next chapter will be longer i promise i just had to introduce anastasiya :)

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