Would You Go to the Dance With me? (Laurance x Popular!Fem!Reader) | Pdh

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A/n: Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know that my OC – Grace – is not included in this one shot and Y/n is Dante and Gene's sister instead.

Anyways, thank you for reading this A/n and I hope you enjoy the one shot!


"Goal!" Y/n cheered as her teammates surrounded her. Since Y/n and Laurance were captains of the girls soccer team and boys soccer team, the two decided to have the two teams play against each other and the girls had won now, thanks to Y/n's goal.

Y/n was the star player on the girls team. She was well known as a good player around other middle schools and was nearly unmarkable. Many girls were told to not let her get the ball at all but that was no use, Y/n would get it anyways.

"Hey! Some goal!" Laurance said happily as he gave Y/n a high five before pulling her into a hug, causing a lot of the girls watching and on the team to glare. But Y/n didn't care, Laurance was a close friend of hers and she wasn't going to let a load of immature glares stop that.

"Thanks! What can I say? I guess the girls really are better than the boys," Y/n giggled. Laurance smiled, the sound of her laugh was music to his ears. He watched as her beautiful h/c hair slightly blew in the wind and her e/c eyes sparkled in the sunlight. He had fallen in love with one of his closest friends, but did she love him back?

This was the day. This was the day that Laurance was going to ask her to be his date to the dance. As long as Garroth hasn't already asked her, that is. Laurance knew that Garroth also likes Y/n and he knew that Garroth also wants to ask her to the dance, so Laurance was praying that he wasn't already.

The two walked over to the bleachers where they had set their sports bags down on the bench. They began to change from their football boots to their runners since the match was over. Laurance looked over at Y/n as she slipped on her runners. Her h/c hair fell beautifully over her shoulders as her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

"So, have you got a date to the dance, yet?" Laurance asked, hopeful that he answer would be no. He wasn't sure if it would be though, Laurance knew that a lot of the guys in eight grade had already asked her and he was praying that she hadn't said yes to any of them. "Nope," she began before looking up at Laurance. "I mean, a lot of guys have asked me but I didn't want to go with any of them."

"Is there anyone you would wanted to go with?" Laurance asked, hopeful that her answer would be him. "Well... There is one guy that I'm hoping will ask me but I doubt that he will..." Laurance's heart began pounding in his chest. Who was it that she was talking about? Was is Garroth? Could it be him, Laurance? Well he had to find out, didn't he?

He turned to Y/n, watching as she took off her other football boot and slipped on her other runner. He was going to ask her. He was going to ask her to be his date to the dance. He was ready to be rejected although he prayed that he wouldn't be. He prayed that he, Laurance Zavhl, the guy that Y/n was talking about.

"Well... um..." Laurance began as he noticed Y/n shifting her glance to him. Her h/c eyes sparkled in the sunlight while her beautiful h/c hair blew in the gentle wind. Laurance loved her. He really loved her and there was no denying that. He just hoped that she loved him back or even just agreed to be his date to the dance. Laurance took a deep breath before continuing, "I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the dance..."

Y/n was speechless. But in a good way. 'Is this really happening?!" She thought to herself before her lips curved into a smile. It was really happening. The guy she really liked had just asked her to the dance. What would her answer be, though? Obviously a yes!

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