The Investigation Begins

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While the Palais D'Orléans returned to calm after the turmoil caused by the incident with the young woman at the ball, Isabelle Montclair and Philippe gathered in a discreet corner of the hall. Both were determined to unravel the mystery behind the mysterious incident.

Isabelle: "Philippe, we need to act quickly. The information we obtained suggests that someone may be planning something more sinister."

Philippe: "I agree, Isabelle. But where do we start?"

Isabelle pondered for a moment, mentally reviewing the details she had collected so far. She knew that the key to solving the mystery was in the connections between the guests and any suspicious movement during the ball.

Isabelle: "Let's start investigating who was close to the young woman before the incident. We need to find out who passed the substance to her."

The two separated and began to discreetly interview the guests who were present in the area where the young woman had fainted. Isabelle, with her ability to manipulate conversations and extract valuable information, was able to navigate the conversations without raising suspicion.

She talked to several people, carefully observing their reactions and words. Some seemed genuinely shocked by the incident, while others showed nervousness or avoided the subject completely.

After several interviews, Isabelle finally found a promising clue. A guest, known for his connections to obscure power circles, was seen talking to the young woman moments before the incident. Isabelle approached him with caution.

Isabelle: "Good evening, sir. Could you ask you some questions about what happened tonight?"

The man looked at her with suspicion, but then nodded, apparently willing to cooperate.

Man: "Of course, Miss Montclair. What would you like to know?"

Isabelle: "I heard you were talking to the young woman before she passed out. Could you tell me what they were discussing about?"

The man hesitated for a moment, his eyes looking for a way out. Then he sighed, as if he decided to reveal something.

Man: "We were discussing... business. She seemed nervous, she said she needed something to calm down. I offered her some of a powder she had brought from a recent trip."

Isabelle arched an eyebrow, her mind working quickly to process this information. She knew she needed to confirm the facts before drawing hasty conclusions.

Isabelle: "And this powder... what exactly was it?"

The man seemed uncomfortable, but finally replied:

Man: "It was just a light sedative, nothing dangerous. I didn't know she would have such a strong reaction. I'm sorry for what happened."

Isabelle thanked the man and walked away, her serious expression as she considered what she had just learned. She needed to inform Philippe and decide what would be the next step in her investigation.

Meanwhile, Philippe also made progress in his own interviews, discovering intriguing connections between some of the guests and surprising revelations about the personal life of the young woman who had fainted.

Together, Isabelle and Philippe were determined to unravel the secrets of the ball at the D'Orléans Palace, knowing that their discoveries could change not only at night, but also the fate of everyone involved.


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