The Ball at the Palace

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The Palais D'Orléans was at its peak that night, with its ornate walls reflecting the opulence of Parisian high society. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the hall with a soft and golden light. Musicians played a charming waltz, and elegant couples slid down the dance floor, their laughter echoing in the air.

Isabelle Montclair entered the salon with the grace of a queen. His blonde hair was meticulously stuck in an elaborate bun, revealing a pair of diamond earrings that shone by candlelight. Her navy blue dress, made to measure, shaped her slender figure, standing out among the costumes of the other guests.

She smiled when she saw old friends and acquaintances, greeting them with a tilt of her head and a warm smile. Isabelle knew that her presence was expected and that all eyes were on her. Keeping a serene expression, she walked to the bar, where Philippe, a longtime friend, was already waiting for her.

Philippe (with a smile): "Isabelle, you light up this party with your presence. As always, it's stunning."

Isabelle (accepting the glass of champagne he offered her): "Thank you, Philippe. The palace is magnificent tonight. The organization is to be congratulated."

As they talked, Isabelle discreetly watched the guests around her. Years of training had taught him to notice the smallest details. His mind was always alert, ready to capture any sign of danger or relevant information.

In the middle of the crowd, his eyes caught an unknown man, dressed in an impeccable black suit. He was standing near one of the entrances to the hall, watching the guests attentively. Something about him aroused Isabelle's curiosity. She felt a shiver in her spine, a feeling that that night was about to take an unexpected turn.

Philippe (interrupting your thoughts): "Isabelle, are you okay? She seems worried."

Isabelle (recovering her composure): "I'm fine, Philippe. Just a little tired. The night is just beginning."

Suddenly, a high-pitched scream cut off the air, silencing the music and conversations. All eyes turned to the center of the hall, where a young woman was lying on the floor, unconscious. Isabelle handed her glass to Philippe and ran to the scene.

Colling next to the young woman, Isabelle noticed a strange mark on her neck. His eyes narrowed as he examined the place. It was not a simple fall; there was something more sinister going on.

Isabelle (for herself): "This is just the beginning."

While the palace guards began to control the situation and called a doctor, Isabelle knew that her true mission was about to begin. She needed to find out who was responsible for that attack and prevent something worse from happening. And for that, she would have to use all her skills and intelligence to unravel the mystery that threatened the safety of everyone in the palace.

Isabelle watched as the palace guards quickly approached the scene, forming a circle around the fallen young woman. The doctor arrived soon, examining her with a severe expression.

Doctor: "She is unconscious, but she seems to be stable. We need to take her to the hospital immediately."

While the guards and the doctor took care of the young woman, Isabelle remained there, her mind working quickly to analyze the details of the situation. What began as a night of celebration had turned into a scenario of intrigue and danger.

She turned to Philippe, who was next to her, watching the scene with a worried expression.

Philippe: "Isabelle, what do you think happened?"

Isabelle: "I'm not sure yet, Philippe. It seems that something very wrong happened here tonight. We need to find out who this man is who was watching the guests. He may have some connection with what happened."

Philippe nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. As the guests began to disperse, the palace became tense with the presence of the guards and the medical staff.

Isabelle walked quickly towards the man in a black suit she had previously noticed. He seemed nervous and restless, his eyes avoiding direct contact with the others present.

Isabelle: "Excuse me, sir. Can I help you with anything?"

The man turned around, surprised to be approached by Isabelle. His face was tense, his dark eyes revealing a mixture of fear and distrust.

Man: "I... I don't know what you're talking about. I was just... watching."

Isabelle: "Watching? Why?"

Man: "I... I can't say."

Isabelle studied the man for a moment, evaluating his words and gestures. She could feel that he was hiding something, something that could be crucial to understand what happened to the young woman at the ball.

Isabelle: "Please, sir. If you know anything about what happened here tonight, it is your duty to share this information. A person's life is at stake."

The man looked around nervously, as if he were struggling internally with a difficult decision. Finally, he sighed deeply, his shoulders relaxing a little.

Man: "Okay. I saw... I saw someone passing something to the young woman before she fell. It was... a strange substance, like a powder."

Isabelle absorbed the information quickly, her mind already forming connections and possible scenarios. She thanked the man and turned to find Philippe by his side.

Philippe: "Whet did he say?"

Isabelle: "Someone passed a strange substance to the young woman before she fainted. We need to find out who did this and why."

Philippe nodded, determination shining in his eyes. Together, Isabelle and Philippe began to assemble the pieces of the puzzle, knowing that the mystery was just beginning.

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