One Shot - All Because of a Pin

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It was a normal day in the office, going through cases, Edwin reading about them, Crystal just waiting around for Charles to find something she could read to get more details, and a human crow and another teen talking amongst themselves on the couch on the side of the room away from the group.

"Have you found anything yet, Charles?" Crystal groned, like she had 20x before. She was getting inpatient from the 4 hours of work they've been doing.

"No, not yet. Can you be more patient?" Charles asked, trying to get her to stop complaining. It was getting tiring.

"We should go out!" Niko said on the other side of the room, next to Monty on the couch.

"And do what exactly?" Edwin asked looking up from his book.

"I don't know, walk around? Talk?" Niko replied, giving ideas on what to do while out of the office.

"New scenery, sounds brills." Charles said with a smile while putting down the case papers.

"I have work to finish you guys go along i'll stay behind." Monty said, working on some books from the library nearby, he started working at the same library a couple days ago.

"I'll stay with Monty." Edwin said smirking, everyone 'knew' Edwin started having feelings for Monty after he had helped save him and Niko from his master, well except Charles.

Something in Charles felt off and a little wrong, like he felt a spike of rage and sadness at the same time from Edwins action but before he could think of doing anything about it, he was being pulled out of the office by the girls.


Once on the street the feeling had not left and neither had the thought of Edwin. Charles looked up and away from his thoughts for a second and saw a rainbow flag in front of a shop, the girls didn't notice and just kept walking leaving Charles standing by himself. Charles decides to go in and starts looking around, he sees a sign that says 'It's ok to be you' in rainbow lettering with a lot of pins under it that had definitions to the pins. One cot Charles eye, this blue, purple, and pink one, the definition under it was 'Bisexual; Sexually attracted to more than one gender.' it was quite pretty and it'd be a good addition to his jacket and yeah sure he was bi, he was attracted to one of his friends when he was in fourth year.

But his dad would have killed him for feeling that way for a person of the same sex as him, but his dad was not here and would never know to beat the shit out of him so why not just do it.

Charles picked it up quickly and put it in his bag, and headed out the door.


They all regrouped with some light banter between the three on the way back to the office. Charles while walking with the 2 he took out the pin and put it on his jacket.

"What is that?" Crystal asked, pointing at the pin.

"A pin?" Charles said, not getting the hit that he had never told anyone that he was even a little into guys.

"No the air, yes a pin!" Crystal exclaimed cocky, "But it has a meaning you idiot! Do you even know what it means?" Crystal asked.

"Of course I know what the pin means, Mate!" Charles shouted a little angered by the interrogation and assumptions.

"Wooow, you do know that means you like both genders, right?" Niko added, not really listening to the conversation.

"Yes, because I do!" Charles said, angered by the questions.

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