chapter 24

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(Sorry for the long wait to you fellow readers, i was to busy because i had to go see my relatives etc. and so i couldn't think about the novel for a while but guess what i'm back)


We arrive to the place where we were going to take our photos then we sit on to the chairs in our make up room but we had to wait because we only had one make up artist so it took some time.

After everyone was done i was the only one left, because the make up artist kept messing up the make up and i had to keep on correcting her.

After the make up artist left the room i changed into my clothes "Wah it looks like i have no chest at all with this, can't belive Alia was right for once" i say and then i took off my shirt but...


We were doing single and duo shots until Aria came but she was taking to much time so like always, Soha asks me to bring Aria.

I open the door of the make up room and i see Aria taking off her shirt then she quickly pulls her shirt down after looking at me and i quickly close the door then i take a candy from my pocket and wait for Aria, after a few minutes Beomgyu comes "Hyung, what are you doing here? and why do you look so pale, as if you saw a ghost?" Beomgyu asks then he tries to enter the make up room but i stop him "I saw something way worser than a ghost" i stutter then Beomgyu goes back and Aria comes out "Ahem i'll lock the door from now on" Aria awkwardly says "And i'll knock the door before entering from now on" i reply in the same awkward tone then we look at each other and nod as we go to the others

Finally you guys came now get together for the photo Soha says and then the photographer asks his assistant to bring a stool since me and Aria had a big hight difference, after he brings the stool Aria stands on it which made no change in the hight difference "Actually i got the stool for Yeonjun hyung, so missy can you please get off the stool and Yeonjun hyung could you please sit on the stool" the photographer says so Aria gets off the stool, i dust off the dirt from her shoe prints and then i sit on the stool "There's no chem between you two, try some cute poses" Soha says "Don't test my patience" Aria says with a stern face "Just flirt a little or something" Soha says and Aria just gently grabs my chin but i get lost in her gaze and she gets lost in mine but our eye contact breaks "Doesn't this look more like a wedding photo now?" Taehyun says then we see Soha shushing him "Go on, do what you guys were doing" Soha says, Aria awkwardly looks at me "Beomgyu let's take some photos?" Aria says to get out of the awkward situation "Yeah Beomgyu-ssi some of your photos with her would look good" Soha says and that's what we do


After the long photoshoot we hop into our company's car "Ah BG you stepped onto my ankle" i say "So i stepped on it lightly" Beomgyu replies "I have a little bruise on my ankle" i say "Why didn't you say anything? when did you get it?" Soha asks "I fell during the reunion it left a little bruise" i say "Sir can you stop the car?" Yeonjun asks "Where are you going?" i ask "To the convenience store, i had to get some things" Yeonjun replies "Oh ok, don't get yourself hurt" i say and Yeonjun nods as he leaves

After we get home Soha tells us to go to sleep since tomorrow was going to be a long day because we had shooting for our MV then Yeonjun comes and the first thing he spots is Da bing "What is she doing here?" Yeonjun asks as he picks up Da bing my cat "Oh yeah i forgot to tell you guys, Da bing will be staying with us from now on" i say "She can't" Yeonjun says "Why, you like and so do the members and no one's allergic" i say "My sons are" Yeonjun says pointing to his fishes "They aren't allergic, they're just part of the food chain" Soha says "Well she can't stay and that's final" Yeonjun says "She can and she will stay" i say "I'll make sure you have many grandchildren and grandfishes" i say holding up my three middle fingers indicating a promise "i promise" i say and Yeonjun scoffs then goes up to his room then i also go up to my room

Soha sends me the pictures we took today, as i scroll through the pictures i see the pictures me and Yeonjun took, then i remember his gaze so i save the photo then i hear Beomgyu yelling so i go to see what happened

"Rabbit with a carrot, wha Yeonjun hyung never gave anyone such a cute name before, i wonder who it is" Beomgyu says "Ahem YJ can you come with me for a second i just want to talk" i say then he follows me to the pool table near the dance room

"What happened" Yeonjun asks "Why would you give me such a name, based off my under wear" i mumble the last part "So you know it's you" Yeonjun says smirking "You are something else, First you enter the room without knocking then you see me while i was changing then you give me a nickname after my under wear don't you think it's kind of ..... pervert - like?" i say then he leans over me "I thought you were doing your make up, you should've written a sign saying that you were changing or you could've locked the door, and i already gave you the name rabbit, i just add the 'With a carrot' part and" Yeonjun says then he leans towards my ear and whispers "You're not my type" into my ear "Then what is your type" i ask "My type of girl is a girl who can beat me in mario kart" Yeonjun says "Then she must be an alien because there aren't many girls who play mario" i say then Da bing starts licking my ankle, because she Hungry "Oh yeah, i haven't fed you since you came, come to your mom Da bing" i say the i take her to the kitchen to feed her something.

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