Meeting Noa, Aayla returns, Nightmares

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A few hours later two people stop on the log looking at the house to see smoke coming out of the chimney one of the people has a walking stick and the other wearing a cloak as Wicket taps the wooden spoon on the pot before stirring while Cindel walks pass with four bowls putting them on the table that Teek is sitting on.

Cindel place a bowl in front of him then place another on the table then clattering is heard making Wicket look and Teek leans back as two shadows approach the door Cindel gasps backing away the holes in the door reveals an old man who stops to see Cindel who keeps backing away joining her Wicket said "Uh-oh".

The handle turns slowly to reveal the old man who enters taking his hat off he stares at them for a moment as Teek growls at them the Man ask "How'd you get here" Pointing Cindel said "He brought us here" Nodding Wicket said "He did" He holds Cindel's arm "Uh-huh" The Man turns to Teek who giggles shrugging innocently.

Glaring at him the Man said "You nasty little bug lover" He leans closer to Teek "I've told you and I've told you..." Teek lower his hand "...I don't want no strangers around this place" He lowers his head "And look what you've done" The Man glares at him "You brought them here..." He leans forward "...and you don't even know they are".

The Man looks to Cindel and Wicket "Who are you" Staring Cindel said "My name is Cindel" Turning his gaze the Man said "Yeah" He motions Wicket "Well, who's that" Wicket looks to Cindel who said "Wicket" Wicket points to himself while scoffing the Man said "Wicket" He walks forward seeing his place is tidy "You've been messing with my stuff"?

He grabs a piece of cloth looking to Teek "All right, you brought 'em here..." The Man motions Cindel and Wicket " you get 'em out of here" Teek chitters looking to them "I don't want you here" He leans forward "Get out" The Man spread his arms "Get out" Staring Wicket said "No place to go".

Approaching the door is the 2nd person who stops to see them the Person ask "Wicket, Cindel" Cindel and Wicket turn to see the person lower their hood revealing Aayla "What are you two doing here" Smiling Cindel said "Aayla" She runs over and hugs her with Wicket joining the hug the Man ask "You know them, Aayla"?

Hugging them back Aayla said "I met them on my travel's Noa" Pointing Noa said "Then you can take them back to where they came from" Aayla looks at him confuse as Wicket turns he said "No place to go" But Noa said "I don't care about that" He looks to Teek "Now you take 'em and go" Cindel and Wicket move closer to Aayla "Go on".

Aayla sighs shaking her head she said "You need to fix that attitude of yours" Frowning Cindel said "Come on, Wicket" She looks to him "He doesn't want us here" Wicket looks towards Noa "He's just a mean old man anyway" Cindel walks pass Aayla "Come on" She takes Wicket's hand and they walk "Come one" Waving his arm Noa said "Get out".

Cindel and Wicket walk out of the door as Noa looks to Teek "I'll deal with you in a minute" Aayla sigh shaking her head watching Noa stand at the door watching Cindel and Wicket walk over the bridge Cindel ask "What do we do now, Wicket" Staring forward Wicket said "Night soon" He holds Cindel's hand "Rest here" They walk pass a tree "Safe".

Noa close the door looking to Teek he said "Strangers" He leans towards him "Teek, you ought to know better" Teek lower his head as Aayla takes her cloak off hanging it "This is my house" She looks to Noa "These are my things" He glance over to her "Other than Aayla I don't want no strangers around here" Noa looks through the hole.

Turning to him walking Aayla said "But if you did let them stay like how you let me" Staring at Cindel and Wicket who are by a log Noa said "If I did let 'em stay..." Cindel and Wicket sit next to one another "...first thing you know, they'd wanna be friends or something" Teek chatters nodding then Noa looks to him "And then look at the trouble we'd have".

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