Terak's Castle, Noa's ship

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The next morning birds are twittering Wicket is humming sharpening a stick the door opens for Noa to come out with Aayla noticing them chuckling Wicket said "Morning" Aayla smiles at him she said "Morning, Wicket" Taking his walking stick behind him Noa stares at him he said "All right" He nods "I think it's time for you two to run along home".

Noa shake his head "I know there's somebody worrying about you" Wicket watch Noa leave and Aayla said "Take care, Wicket" She follows Noa as Wicket grumbles going back to sharpen a stick while Cindel climbs out of Aayla's bed then walks over to the door opening it for Wicket to Cindel close the door.

Cindel walks forward before turning to Wicket she said "Good morning" Tilting his head Wicket ask "We go" Tilting her head Cindel ask "Where will we go" Leaning forward Wicket said "Family need Wicket" Shaking her head Cindel said "But we don't know where they are" Raising his dagger Wicket said "We find".

Meanwhile a castle in a field belongs to Terak inside Marauders are sitting at tables or walking around chattering to one another Terak sits on his throne watching Charal speaking her language performing a ritual on the energy when she's finish nothing happened Charal tries again hovering her hands on the energy then finish still nothing happened.

Charal looks up to Terak who stares leaning back Charal looks back down to the energy she waves her hands above it Charal chants again, but nothing happened leaning back Tarak speaks Marauderese making Charal look up to him along with Marauders sitting down turning to him raising a hand Charal said "I really think it would be better if we left them out of this".

She nods to the other Marauders who groans looking to one another "I mean, this is a strange power" Charel looks at the energy "It..." She looks back up to Terak "...It's different" Leaning forward Terak said "It is the power I have searched for" Holding an old paper Charal said "Surely" She chuckles holding it to Terak who takes the paper.

Charal holds the energy "This is the power the star traveller spoke of" Terak spreads the paper revealing old blueprints to a starcruiser "Yes, we have only to learn its secrets" Charel puts the energy down while Terak looks at the old blueprints before dropping it on the floor Terak said "I have waited long enough"

Terak stares at Charal "You will discover it's magic or die" Slowly standing up Charal said "Oh" She closed her eyes moving her head "If only you hadn't let that child escape" Charal opens her eyes "She must know its secrets" Standing up angry Terak ask "How dare you suggest that I am to blame" Shaking her head Charal said "No, no, no".

Charal starts to get scared "I didn't mean that" Glaring at her Terak said "Find the little one and I might forgive such insolence" Shrugging Charal ask "But how can I" Leaning forward Terak yells "Find me that child" All the Marauders in the room all turn "Find me that child".

Charal bows her head backing away while the Terak voice echoes through the halls until it reaches a prison area "Find me that child" Two Marauder guards stop to hear the echo and in cells are the Ewoks they speak Ewokese looking to one another.

Meanwhile Noa and Aayla are returning from their trip Noa whistles kicking a rock and Aayla hums a tune crossing the bridge reaching the house Noa put his walking stick in his spot and Aayla opens the door for them to enter putting the bag down Noa ask "Where you hiding, you little rug rats" Noa hang his hat on a hook.

Taking her cloak off Aayla ask "Must you always called them that" She puts it on a hook as Noa close the door he said "Come down here" Noa looks up not hearing Cindel or Wicket "Come on" Aayla looks up "We got something for ya" Moving her gaze Aayla calls "Cindel, Wicket" Sitting on the stairs is Teek who looks to them Noa said "Hiya Teek".

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