Battle for Endor

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Meanwhile Noa, Cindel, Aayla, Wicket, Teek, Deej and the Ewoks run across the fields passing rocks Noa said "Let's go now" Aayla takes Cindel's hand to help Ewoks speak Ewokese moving pass more rocks while Marauders run getting ready Terak walks into the courtyard putting on a necklace he speaks Maraudese.

On the necklace is Charal's ring Terak grab his sword passing a pillar as Marauders move under an arch grabbing weapons Terak went under the arch he motions looking at his army a mini-Marauder runs up the stairs and Terak speaks Marauderese walking forward while more Marauders grab their weapons.

A Marauder holds the reins to a Blurrg who roars and another Blurrg walks pass as Terak speaks Marauderese to the Marauders before looking to the gate a Marauder blows a horn for another Marauder to blow a horn for all Marauder to move and dragging the cages while Aayla, Noa, Cindel, Wicket, Teek and the Ewoks went over a hill passing more rocks Aayla calls "We're almost there".

The Marauders charge out of the castle onto the path to where the Ewoks are heading Terak rides pass them to the front passing rocks going over small hills as Charal caws seeing Noa, Aayla, Cindel, Teek, Wicket, and the Ewoks heading for the forest Aayla looks up "Noa" Noa stops raising his hand to cover the light seeing Charal "They're coming".

A Marauder speaks Marauderese pointing toward Charal for Terak to look waving his sword Terak speaks Marauderese heading in the direction leading the Marauders to where Charal is going a Blurrg roars turning around heading in the same direction.

Meanwhile Aayla, Noa, Cindel, Teek, Wicket, Deej and the Ewoks reach the forest they speak Ewokese to one another passing a fallen tree going through the forest Noa helps Cindel up a hill he said "Come on, keep up" Waving her arm Aayla said "This way" The Ewoks follow them while the Marauders reach the forest passing bushes a trees.

The Blurrgs was having trouble getting through knocking thin trees down as Noa, Cindel, and Aayla leads the Ewoks passing fallen branches Noa said "Come on" They went pass a tree "Hurry along" The Ewoks move pass the trees while the Marauders run down a hill and Terak rides down a Marauder struggles and drops the flag going under a branch and ripping another off.

Terak stops his horse climbing off a Marauder takes the reins Terak speaks Marauderese taking his sword he growls moving through the branches as the Blurrgs are left behind for the Marauders to move through the branches while Noa, Aayla, Cindel, Teek, Wicket, and the Ewoks arrive at Noa's ship Aayla said "We're here".

They stop at the steps Noa turns to the Ewoks he said "Okay" The Ewoks stare at him "Now all you gotta do is hold 'em off..." Aayla speaks Ewokese for them to understand "...till I get the power going" Deej speaks Ewokese looking to Wicket "If you buy me some time, we just might have a chance" Aayla turns she said "Cindel, you and two of our friends go with Noa and me".

Nodding Cindel said "Mmm-hmm" Noa looks to Wicket he said "And Wicket, you're in charge of the others" Wicket speaks Ewokese running in a direction motioning the Ewoks to follow him "I got a catapult in the trees" Pointing in the direction "So, now, go to it" Noa, Aayla, Cindel and two Ewoks climb the stairs entering the ship.

Putting his bag down Noa said "Cross your fingers now" He takes the energy out Aayla said "I'll help get the system working" Noa runs over to the engine he inserts the energy "Okay now" He puts it in carefully "Let's power up this old tin can" Noa turns the dial for a light to turn on then he flips a switch but nothing happened "Oh, come on".

Looking up Aayla said "Let's try this one" He presses a few buttons nothing happened looking to them Cindel ask "What if it doesn't work" Flipping a few switches Noa said "Then we're really in trouble" He grabs a handle flips it a few times while Terak cuts a branch off moving forward leading the Marauders who shout knocking branches out of the way.

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