I hate you for what you did, but I miss you like a little kid

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POV: Travis Phelps

Warnings: Cursing, abuse

Mother left ages ago. It was close to my 11th birthday when she disappeared. I hate her for leaving me. For leaving me here with him. She knows how bad he is. I know that's why she left. She left me here with him. She doesn't care. She never did. She's a liar. She said she wouldn't leave me. Not ever. She promised to stay. What's crazy is she left the day after she said that. Father was heartbroken. They fought for hours and hours. I'm not sure why he of all people would miss her that bad. The abuse has gotten worse as well. I've literally been sent to the emergency room because I spilt juice on the floor. 

He's always been abusive but oh my god. He's crazy now. He's horrible. Unbearable. I hate mother. She's evil like him. She did this selfishly. She left me alone to get away. She left me all alone to get beat. I fucking hate her, but oh... how I miss her. I miss how she would bandage my wounds after the abuse, how she'd bake cookies if I got a good grade on my tests, how she'd let me hang out with Phillip and Larry on weekends, how she'd draw things for me to color in.

I really wish she never left. Maybe things would be better. I hate her but I also love her. She's selfish, but also.. she's not. I don't blame her for running. she had the chance to escape and she did. Oh how I wish she'd taken me. Maybe we would be happy together. Just me and her. But that can't happen. it already didn't. I shouldn't be so upset about this all the time. I hope she's In a better place.. I hope she's happier without me and father. I hope she found someone to love her, someone to care for her, someone to cook for her, someone to adore her like she's heaven on earth. But, I also don't. 

I hope she regrets leaving me, she regrets letting me be tortured by him, she regrets letting me cry alone, regrets not calling for help, regrets everything she did. Oh how I wish I didn't miss her.. But I can't help it. I miss when times were easier, when father was at least a little sweet, when she'd read me stories, when she'd hang my drawings on the fridge, when she'd let me help with dinner. I hope she comes back to help me.

pls I know this sucks.. but AYEEE 2 STORIES IN ONE DAY

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