twenty six

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It was madness throughout the 4 days we have been in hospital. Stella was sedated twice!!! Dad suffered a heart attack, but he was good, and Margret was having mini panic attacks, which led to her being sedated. And I was just standing outside the nursery looking at the two beautiful babies that are now 4 days old. A girl and a boy. Healthy and have no idea that they have just lost they father in a car accident and they mom is fighting for her life in ICU!!!


I couldn’t believe that he was gone. My brother was gone just like that. He never said goodbye nor warned us. He was just taken away from us just like that? Just when things are beginning to be beautiful for them, God just snatches him away just like that? Mike held me tight, rocking me to sleep.


I woke up feeling cramps, and I closed my eyes. I know i had the incubation tube in me, meaning I am out of it for a while. After a while, a nurse came through, and she left calling a doctor to come help me. They removed all my tubes and checked my vitals as I closed my eyes, trying to think what happened. I saw the pity by the nurse's face, and I knew something was wrong, but I wasn’t about to ask. I placed my hand slowly on my stomach, and I felt a void in me, and the tears sprang to my eyes. I've lost them, and iv lost my babies. That what the pity about. I turned to see the sofa empty, and there were no jackets, and didn’t look like Wulfric was in the room at all. My husband is not untidy, but his not neat either. Just as the doctor left, Mbuso walked in and gave me a fake smile. Okay, I am in ICU, and only my husband should be walking in, not my brother in law.

Me: Wulf?

That is all the strength I could master.

Mbuso: Sleep a bit, okay!!! I looked at him just as a tear dropped out of his eyes, and I panicked but closed my eyes, calming myself.

Me: They dead are they not? I looked at him

He looked at me, wiping a tear, and smiled.

Mbuso: Two bouncing babies( a girl and boy) they are in incubators, but they are good and well. Your mom is feeding them formula right now with your dad since you have been out for some time, but they are perfect creatures. In all my life, Iv never felt so relieved to hear news. I cried because that meant I never lost them. Wait, he said my parents are feeding them, so where is Wulf.

Me: Wulfric?

That when Rocky walked in looking odd and his eyes bloodshot red that I felt my heart squeeze, I heard the machines beeping and I saw panic in they eyes as nurses and doctors rushed in. I heard the doctor screaming “we losing her” as I saw Wulfric face floating right in front of me.


I know i should be optimistic, but this was more than we could bargain for. We lost our son in law and I know that this time, this time, she won't have the strength to pull through this. I know she won't be able to live without him. I could feel it in my bones as I was burping my grand daughter.

Baba: Uyacabanga futhi( you thinking again)

Me: can’t believe his gone!!! Wulfric is gone!!!

Baba: I know nkosikazi( my wife) he looked at the baby boy that was peacefully sleeping.

Baba: He looks so much like his father even though he shows that his a mix, but they look so much like him, especially him.

Me: i just pray that God heals Sinovuyo 

Baba: With Sinothanda and Sizonqoba by her side. She most definitely will.

I grinned at my husband, knowing he always gives meaningful names.

Me: What they mean, baba?

Baba: Sizonqoba ngo thando bese luphele Usizi lalaykhaya kube Novuyo lodwa( we shall conquer with love so the hardships can end so we can have joy and happiness only)  that what these kids shall bring to her life, love and the ability to conquer everything that the lord throws at her.

I placed her in her incubator, and we both stood there looking at them as they peacefully slept.

Me: It hurts, babakhe!!!

“ we will all heal some day!!!”

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