A little peony blooming

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The king which is my father died due to old age, as the first prince Xuè Shén I will be the king and Huǒ yàn huā which she is my fiañcee will be appointed as my advisor. We ended the coronation successfully. It was a great day to be exact. I wonder how hard it is to be a king.

The next day

Many problems started to arise, it was very nerve-wracking for my first day as king "How are the resources and equipment are going Hóng huā". "Our resources are dropping very low but our equipment are fine, we also need money for medical supplies as well" Hóng huā answered.

I responded "Then we shall make an appointment to the merchant's guild" Huǒ yàn huā replies "Ok then who will be our representative?".

"Me! and your coming with me Huǒ yàn huā".

She replies " I shall make arrangements Lord Xuè "

"Bring the General on the way"

"Yes Lord Xuè" She replied

As someone appeared in front of me in the throne room it was General tiě fèng huáng, My Father and the General are long time best friends they always look for each other side by side. My father was called as the "Golden Dragon of the West" and the General "Great Phoenix of the West". So the General entered and kneeled on me, to which he said
"What is in your mind Lord Xuè?"

"So General... Prepare 10,000 troops, where starting in 15 we are going to capture the Plains near the ruins of Zhu Záng since it's connected to the East sea of the Èmó. So that we can get resources both land and water so as check ruins. And Also the scout said that an enemy force around 100,000 are going to the plains. So get ready" I replied.

"Yes Lord Xuè I shall start my troops ready here and prepare at the Plains" the General replied back

After 30 minutes he gathered 10,000 troops in the throne room. They stood straight and listen to the general's speech for 10 minutes. It was actually kinda boring so I slept the whole speech and once I woke up, I immediately stood up straight and said.

"In 15 days we advance to the fields, defeat the enemy troops and victory will be ours. Are you Ready?" I said

"For the Kingdom of Shén!" All the soldiers shouted in sync

So we managed to make the soldiers in high spirits due to the General's and my speech.

(15 days huh this will be interesting...)

Hello guys, it's me the author this is my first book, So it's kinda weird but I hope you enjoyed it since I enjoy reading and writing so much. Be sure to keep updated for newer chapters.

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