Heads or Tails

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14 Days until the capture of the Plains
While I was asleep I was dreaming about Huǒ yàn Huā giving me a lap pillow. It felt majestic like I was in Heaven.

"WAKE UP!" Huǒ yàn huā shouts

Huǒ yàn huā slapped me with eyes of disgust, did I just sleeptalk? As I woke up I felt intense pain from Hóng's slap but I was relieved thanks to the dream. Like the pain was gone when I started to remember it.

"Greetings Huǒ, shall we get ready then?" I said

"Yes my king, We are now arriving at Elbeisten, The City of Merchants shortly" Hóng replied

Elbeisten is South to my kingdom which is controlled by the Holy Empire which is one of the biggest Empires in the world. As we went inside the city, I completely get ready to go to the Merchant's Guild Association. As I went inside the Guild, I was welcomed very warmly by the receptionist named "Viola" she has pretty red eyes, very black glossy hair and she fits with the outfit completely. I wondering myself is this heaven? Huǒ yán suddenly pinched me in the ear.

"What are you thinking Xuè?" She said with eyes of jealousy

"I was thinking some plan for the negotiations" I replied

As we both head to the conference room to meet with the guild leader, I bumped into someone and she started yelling at me like I was a nobody.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you even know who I am?"

I replied with silence

She ran while crying as if she was being bullied but it wasn't...a little bit maybe but that was fun.

"I'll tell my father about it!" She said

We head inside the conference room able to meet the guild leader of the Merchant's Guild, Glen Astroth.

"It's seems you're here for some business...huh Lord Shén?" Glen said

"Greetings Guild Leader, I would like you to support us." I replied

"Of course, it's not like you would be here for nothing (laughs)"

"Glen, how much do you need for food and ores?"

"1,000,000 silver coins"

"500,000 silver coins"

"800,000 silver coins is the minimum how about it?"

"750,000 silver how are we sure if the quality is good or not?"

"Oh, it's good all right the highest quality"

"Can I check?"

"Sure, why not"

As I check the quality of the food and ores, they seemed to be in the best quality, As thought I inspected much closer and how'd out that the food below it are by eaten from rats. Would lead to the plague, So I asked Glen

"What's the meaning of this, you're willing to give me such food for 800,000?"

"Oh sorry sir I didn't realize about it until just now, I would like to make my apologies and offer you about new wheat and lower down the price to 500,000"

"I'll accept it then but make sure to always check the quality and quantity regularly"

"Yes sir"

So the negotiations were fine, now that's done we now got many preparations to do before the fight isn't that right Hóng? "Yes sir" she replied.

Huǒ yàn huā ask someone to prepare the smiths we're making a new project"

"Yes Lord Xuè, I'll be sure to tell them"

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