Symbols of sword and shield

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6 Days until the capture of the Plains

10 days has passed and now I'm going to meet with a Union Leader to join forces and the representative is my old classmate "Bīnghuā", it was around my High School years. Of course like every MC I'm one of those losers. As soon she appeared in front of my face I suddenly felt annoyed to think that this woman is so way out of my league and she tries to accept my existence.

Anyways back to the present day that will be for later.

I met with Bīnghuā at the Capital of the middle "Taurus" and of course Huǒ yán huā is coming with me. We both go into an inn. It was strange since it's basically looks like an abandoned one. But if there's service then so be it.

We were greeted by no one. So we act as normal and sat down. So I started the attack

"Okay then, what is the meaning of this Bīnghuā?" I asked

"Shall we start the negotiations?" Bīnghuā replied

An ambush appeared out of nowhere but as expected, they are the Union soldiers of "Nox" A German Union that is one of the top 5 strongest Unions basically the 5th.

"I mean no harm. Why are your soldiers here?" I asked and then giggled

"We're are being cautious here. . . Why are you giggling? " Bīnghuā replied and questions Shén

"Citizens of Taurus, look it here. It seems a Union is attacking your beautiful city, it would be a shame if you were all to die" I shouted to the citizens

"So that's why you're laughing" Bīnghuā said with surprise

The citizens are wondering about the situation and started calling the guards.

"Wait! Don't worry citizens of Taurus, I as the king of the kingdom of Shén. Go all of my forces surround them."

"A counterattack!? Where did they come from?" Bīnghuā said with shockness

"Shén? You mean the weak prince? The one who owns a small kingdom?" The citizens

"Yes it is I Xuè Shén, the new king of
the kingdom of Shén. Also Bīnghuā let's start the negotiations shall we?" I said

"When did you planned all of this?" Bīnghuā said seriousness

"When you may ask? Uhh just now, also how about first we talk about huh Reltih?" I said and pointed to a soldier.

"Well no use to hiding now, greetings Lord Xuè. It is I Reltih, the leader of Nox." He replied

"Well put your soldiers weapons down since I'm about to join your Union." I said

"Soldiers! Put your weapons down!" Reltih said with seriousness

"Horray, Sir Shén put down Nox's forces just to let him join into Nox!" The citizens shouted with joy

"Let's get started Lord Shén. . . You're in" Reltih said with certainty

"What?!" Everyone was shocked including Reltih

"Why are you shocked? Don't we need papers?" Xuè said

"Huh? It's tiring besides you're great yourself. You even predicted the ambush" Reltih replied

"Thanks Lord Reltih" I said with joy

"You attacked us with your sword by inviting us first and you defended against our ambush with your own army now that's what we call a shield. Welcome to Nox Lord Xuè"

So since that was done I let them stay for the night in an actual inn, and then they all of Nox's leaders will group up in my kingdom.

Then. . . Something unexpected, random came up

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