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 "Y/N!" Shouted by the browny-haired girl, as she ran towards me

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"Y/N!" Shouted by the browny-haired girl, as she ran towards me.

I quickly placed the book I was reading down to give my full attention to her, "Mhm?" I hummed in response.

Looking at her, she seems in hurry, sweats dripping down her body.

"Let's go gliding! It's so boring today, the other knights went out, they didn't even invited me!" She exclaimed, a small pout visible on her face.

Right, my mother told me that her and mama Jean, aswell as Kaeya will go on a mission. Don't ask what mission, I also don't know. Probably those stupid Fatui again. Right, can't they stop getting on my nerves?

"Of course. Stop pouting, just understand the adults." I reassured her, and it seems to work because as soon as I said those words, she laughed.

"Alrighty then! Let's go!" She took my hand, as we ran together, leaving the Mondstadt.

We went to a hill to glid, Amber's my gliding buddy, I don't think everyone can beat her at this. Except me, I'm not everyone!

"Let's race," I offered her. Her face forming a mischievous grin as if she's going to murder someone. She's always like this, a person who's not competitive but when it comes with her passion, she's the most competitive!

We glide all over Mondstadt, it was fun. Today's fun. Everyday's fun.

"5890 wins, 110 loss. I won, Y/N!" She shouted, she placed her two hands on her hips, as she stands proud.

"You were counting?" I tilted my head, chuckling at her words. She can't answer my question yet, she's panting heavily.

"Yeah! Today's our six-thousand time!"

I smiled at her words, soon after, my two mother's came with Kaeya. Did they went to hunt something? I ran towards my two mothers and smiled at them.

"There you are, Y/N. We bought more books, and foods." My mother, Lisa said, as she placed her hand on my cheeks, cuffing them gently.

"But I thought you were on a mission, mama?" I titled my head, a frown visible on my face.

"Silly. Why would we go on a mission with just the three of us? That too, why would I go? I'm a librarian." She chuckled, pinching the bridge of my nose, making me groan.

"Humph! As expected, can't go on a mission without the gliding champion of Monstadt?" Our gaze shifted to the brown-haired girl with a grin on her face. I can't help but to laugh, and so did my mother.

Jean and Kaeya left, so it's just the three of us, Amber and my mother, Lisa.

As soon as my mother stands up, a familiar masked-people appeared, augh, Fatuis.

"Stay back childrens." My mothers word states protectiveness, and we did as she said.

Her gaze lifted from us, to the Fatuis.

"What do you want?" She asked, with a sharp look at them. She starts to lift her hand, the clouds starts to turn purple. Must have been because of her electro powers.

"Geez, calm yourself down! Is the people of the country of Freedom like this? How disappointing..." The woman that has a mask on her face laughed maniacally, making Lisa more irritated, Amber and I can see it.

"Quiet down, speak your priority here, what do you want, Fatui."

"Mhmm.. do you perhaps know who Y/N is?" The fatui asked with a grin on her face.

Me?... What does she want with me?

My mother didn't talk, she kept her mouth silent, thinking that if she uttered any words afain, it could danger me.

The woman observed Amber, and it's clear that they know it's not her. The masked woman's gaze went to me.

"Run, Amber! Glide with Y/N!" My mother shouted, and Amber nods her head, she ran as fast as she can, taking me with her, the Fatui, luckily, didn't know how to glide.

My mother starts to sway her hands, activating her electro power, but the fatui are fast, they've managed to keep up with Amber's pace.

"There's four of them.. Can you fight, Y/N?" Amber whispered on me while we're gliding.

I nod, "Yes, I can."

I do know how to fight, but not fight as in like how Diluc, mother and my other mother can. Also like how traveller fight. But they taught me how to fight, so I do know.

Amber's eyes harpen at me, signing me to stop gliding, and I did so. Compare to Amber, she's quite stronger because she have a pyro vision with her, unlike me, I'm visionless.

As soon as we set foot on the ground, the Fatui came.

This is scary, today's scary, everyday's scary..

I shrugged my thoughts off as soon as Amber threw a stick on me, ah yes, a stick I can use as a substitute for sword.

I lifted the stick and as soon as I was about to hit the Fatui, it lighten up.. a.. vision?

A violet amulet starts to wore on my neck, electro?..

I dropped the stick, and Amber noticed me, she saw the glowing necklace that I was wearing, and she smiled. We can buy time, because in my vision (as in vision, eyes) the Fatui got shot in their eyes.

"See, you finally got your vision! And it's exactly the same as Lisa's." She smiled at me and I, too smiled back.

A vision that's same with my mother?

"Be a catalyst for now, okay?" She smiled at me, and I nodded my head.

We went back to fight the Fatui, and luckily.. we won.

But somehow, another fatui was behind me, and the last thing I can remember, I was taken.

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