Who is he?

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Chapter one: Who is He?

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Chapter one
: Who is He?


Y/N's POV:

The thing I remembered is that I was taken.. taken by those fatuis I really hate.

Someone pushed me on a dark room with a numerous amount of people, a prisoner, perhaps.

I shrugged my thoughts off as a masked-man entered the room I was in, the man's quite... Familiar to me.

Ah, the one who kidnapped me..

The man walked towards me, pulling my hair, making me groan. I couldn't complain, I'm powerless right now, using my vision would only make everything hard for me, especially because I'm not the only one here in the room.

"Listen here, you vixen, if you'll try to escape right now, I will kill you, get it?" The man's grip on my hear tightened, as tears escaped my eyes.

I don't cry on my own, but rather — the eyes of mine cried on its own. I nodded in response, the eyes I'm receiving is so shameful. This is stupid, why am I here!?

"Good." He let go of my hair, leaving the room again.

"Fuck this man.." I cursed under my breath, enough that no one can hear it.

A woman 'bout my age walked towards me with a sympathetic look on her face, great.

"H-hey... Are you okay?" Her voice is sure for a soft girl, even with her wounds, she does look like she can't hurt a fly.

Without any choice left, I shook my head, "No, I'm fine. But you do look not okay. Are you?"

She was taken aback by my words, and a slight smile formed on her lips, "Mhm! I'm used to this kind of event. But, seeing a new prisoner, it seems quite sad.." She looks at her feet, It's clear that she's upset.

But, why would a person be concerned to a person that obviously doesn't care about her? What a nice girl.

"That's nice to hear, mind if I know your name?" I caressed her cheeks, noticing a cut on her cheek.

She looked away, trying to maintain her guard, yet she doesn't seem to stop me. She's hurt.

"Amber.." She muttered her name, her voice's low yet it's enough for me to hear her.

"Amber? That's a good name. You make me think of Amber, my other friend." A smile starts forming on my mouth, as I imagined my friend, Amber.

It felt like it has been months since I've last saw her, though, I know it hasn't even been weeeks. When will I get out of here anyway? This is so stupid.

"Ah.." The girl named Amber muttered, smiling awkwardly at me.

Everyone's eyes were fixated on both of us, so the tension is really weird. Anyway, I don't actually mind people glancing at me, I'm used to it.

But this is still weird because everyone from the city I was born on, I know their names, these prisoners here, they're a complete strangers.

I held the girl's hand, taking her into more private place where no prisoners are in. The room we're held as a captive is quite big, infact — there's three rooms here. A bathroom, and two rooms, one's bigger and that's where those other priones are in.

Amber didn't mind the fact that I was pulling her into a dark room, but rather – she's much glad. Well, it doesn't actually matter. What matters is that she doesn't find me weird.

"So... Why are we here?" She tilted her head, a pang of confusion was noticeable on the way her eyes looks at Y/N.

"I don't know, too. But I like here better. It's doesn't stink here, unlike the other room. Don't they shower at least once a week?" I complained, that's true. They do stink. They leak blood, their smell's similar to a rat that's dead.

Amber shook her head, "No. They have wounds that are not fully healed yet, so showering would make the pains worser. That's what they think." She answered my question.

Amber does smells quite more better than them, so I really don't mind.

This is stupid, why am I even asking her random questions.

An hour had passed and a masked weird people entered the room, both, Amber and I heard screaming. We couldn't stop feeling curious so we went to the other room.

Ah, fatuis again. They opened the big doors to let the captives out, aswell as Amber and I. I guess the screaming was just the prisoners being exaggerated.

We were all welcomed by a big fences around us, fences that if you somehow got your body closed to it, you'll get electrified.

"What's this?..." I questioned Amber that was beside me, a calm yet worried facade is all over her face.

"Mhm... An execution is gonna be held.. today. I thought you know?" She looked at me with a confusion on her eyes, no more worried look.

I shook my head then said, "No? There's no way I'd no such things."

"Ah, isn't the reason for your presence here is because your mother's gonna get executed?" She looked at me, worried, her voice, too sounds worried.

"Ooh.. cool." There was no sadness on my voice, no remorse for the mother's loss.

I mean, you can't blame me. They're probably lying.. I don't know who my mother is, but I don't believe them at all, how could my mother be in this horrible country? I'm from Mondstadt!

Amber's eyes widened in shock, "What? You're not even sad?..."

"I really don't know if she's my mother, Amber. They're probably, too, are lying." After I told her my side, she seems to calm down, too.

"Right, right. Still, it's quite disturbing how they're letting us see how cruel they are..."

Right, I'm quite intrigued how they will kill the woman they claim my mother. Behead her, Burn her, or?...

My though shrugged off as soon as a woman with moss head came, announcing for us, captives to look at them.

The execution was about to begin, everyone starts shaking, no one wants to die..

"Alrighty, prisoners! Each of you is lucky to see how our Sixth of the Fatui Harbinger to kill this," she paused, kicking the poor woman without having any mercy.. "In debt woman! Scaramouche, the sixth of the Fatui Harbinger is here!"

A man with a mischievous grin appeared, he seems dangerous if you'd see how everyone looks, he was becoming more and more clearer in my point of view. He's... He's so endearing,

Who is he again?...

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