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Song of the chapter: "almost(sweet music)" by hozier

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the sprawling gardens of Delphi. Apollo, the god of music, prophecy, and the sun, sat by the edge of a serene lake, his golden lyre resting on his knee. His fingers gently plucked at the strings, producing a melancholic melody that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the evening.

As he played, Apollo's mind wandered back to a time long past, to a love that had once filled his heart with joy and light. He closed his eyes, letting the music guide his thoughts to Y/N, a mortal man who had captured his divine heart.


Years ago, Delphi had been bustling with life and activity. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the harmonious notes of Apollo's lyre. It was during one of his visits to the Oracle that Apollo first met Y/N, a young musician with a talent that rivaled even the gods.

Y/N had been practicing by the temple, his fingers dancing over the strings of his lyre with a grace and precision that caught Apollo's attention immediately. The god had been captivated by the mortal's music, and before long, their shared passion for melody had blossomed into something deeper.

"Apollo," Y/N had whispered one evening as they sat together by the lake, their fingers intertwined. "Do you think our love can withstand the test of time?"

Apollo had smiled, his golden eyes reflecting the warmth of the setting sun. "Our love is as eternal as the music we create together. No matter what happens, it will always echo in the hearts of those who hear it."


The present-day Apollo sighed, the memories washing over him like a gentle tide. He continued to play, the notes of his lyre weaving a tapestry of emotions that spoke of longing, nostalgia, and a love lost to the sands of time.

As the melody filled the air, Apollo remembered the nights spent in Y/N's arms, their laughter mingling with the songs they composed together. Each note he played was a fragment of their past, a reminder of the happiness they had shared.

One memory, in particular, stood out. It was a warm summer night, and they had been performing together in the amphitheater. The audience had been spellbound by their music, but for Apollo, the true magic had been in the way Y/N's eyes sparkled with passion and love.

"You're amazing, Y/N," Apollo had said after the performance, pulling the mortal into a tight embrace.

Y/N had laughed, a sound that still echoed in Apollo's heart. "It's you who brings out the best in me, my love. Without you, my music would be just notes in the wind."


Apollo's fingers stilled on the strings, the last notes of the song fading into the evening air. He looked out over the lake, his heart heavy with the weight of memories. Despite the passage of time, the pain of losing Y/N was still fresh, a wound that refused to heal.

A soft breeze rustled the leaves around him, and for a moment, Apollo could almost hear Y/N's voice carried on the wind. "You promised me our love would be eternal," it seemed to say. "Don't let the music die."

With renewed resolve, Apollo began to play again, his music a tribute to the love he had lost. Each note was a testament to the bond they had shared, a reminder that while Y/N might be gone, their love lived on in the melodies they had created together.


That night, as the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Apollo remained by the lake, his music a beacon of light in the darkness. He played until the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, his heart lighter for having shared his memories through song.


Several days passed, and Apollo found himself visiting places that held memories of Y/N. He wandered through the olive groves where they had shared countless picnics, their laughter mingling with the rustling leaves. He visited the amphitheater where they had performed together, the echoes of their harmonies still lingering in the air.

One afternoon, Apollo sat at the foot of the temple steps, his lyre resting beside him. He watched as the people of Delphi went about their lives, unaware of the god in their midst, lost in his memories. His mind drifted back to a particular evening when he and Y/N had shared their dreams and fears.


They had been lying on a blanket under the stars, the night sky a tapestry of constellations. Y/N had pointed out the different stars, recounting the myths associated with each one.

"Apollo," Y/N had said softly, turning to face the god. "Do you ever wish you were mortal? Just for a day, to experience life as we do?"

Apollo had smiled, brushing a strand of hair from Y/N's face. "Sometimes. But then I remember that being a god allows me to protect and guide you, to ensure that you are safe and happy. That is worth more than any mortal experience."

Y/N had nodded, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "I understand. But promise me, no matter what happens, you'll always remember us, our love, and the music we made together."

"I promise," Apollo had whispered, sealing the vow with a tender kiss.


Back in the present, Apollo felt a tear slip down his cheek. He had kept his promise, cherishing every moment they had shared, every song they had composed. His music had become a way to keep Y/N's memory alive, to ensure that their love would never fade.

That evening, Apollo decided to compose a new song, one that would encapsulate their love story. He returned to the lake, the place where so many of their memories had been made. Sitting on the grassy bank, he began to play, his fingers moving instinctively over the strings of his lyre.


The melody started softly, a gentle echo of their first meeting. As the song progressed, it captured the joy and passion of their time together, the harmony of their love. It built to a crescendo, reflecting the intensity of their bond, before gradually softening, mirroring the inevitable passage of time and the loss that followed.

As he played, Apollo's mind filled with images of Y/N: his laughter, his touch, the way his eyes lit up when he talked about music. The song became a conversation between them, a way for Apollo to speak to Y/N even across the divide of time and mortality.

When the last note finally faded into the night, Apollo felt a profound sense of peace. He had poured his heart into the music, creating a testament to their love that would resonate for eternity. The song was not just a reminder of what had been, but a celebration of what would always be—a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space.


The next day, Apollo performed the new song at the temple, dedicating it to Y/N. The audience, unaware of the personal significance behind the melody, was moved by its beauty and emotion. They marveled at the way the music seemed to tell a story, one of love, loss, and eternal devotion.

As the final notes hung in the air, Apollo felt a warmth spread through his heart. He knew that Y/N was listening, his spirit intertwined with the music. And though the mortal might no longer be by his side, their love would forever echo in the harmonies they had created together.


That evening, as the sun set over Delphi, Apollo stood by the lake once more. He gazed at the horizon, a sense of contentment settling over him. His fingers traced the strings of his lyre, ready to play a final song for the day.

"I will never forget you, Y/N," Apollo whispered into the twilight. "As long as I play, your memory will live on."

With a final, bittersweet note, Apollo began to play, his music a bridge between the past and the present, a reminder that love, once found, can never truly be lost. And as the stars began to twinkle in the sky, the god of music and the sun embraced the new night with a heart filled with the echoes of a love that would never fade.

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