Attack on Christophsis

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Y/N flew by on his speeder, dust swirling up in his path. The cold, rushing air hitting his face sent a shiver down his spine. The ride wouldn't take much longer, and he would be more than happy to finally stand again. Y/N's gaze wandered over the landscape, taking in the details of the destroyed city around him. Ruined buildings loomed like ghostly skeletons, their charred and crumbling structures casting long shadows in the moonlight. Abandoned vehicles, now twisted heaps of metal, littered the streets, and the remnants of once-bustling marketplaces stood silent and desolate.

Occasionally, he spotted flickers of movement in the shadows, perhaps the remnants of wildlife or desperate scavengers searching for anything of value. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and decay, remnants of battles long past. Even though Y/N was on alert, he also felt strangely calm. But that was to be expected after the roller-coaster of the sabotaging mission.

In the vast moonlit night, Y/N's comlink started beeping, the sound resonating in his ear as he pressed the button to accept the transmission. On the other end came a rough male voice. "Operator L/N, this is General Loathsome," the Kerkoiden spoke with a firm tone. "Ventress has informed me that your mission was successful, and we are now marching on the Republic outpost. I will send you some coordinates to meet up."

Y/N listened to Loathsome with a patience that was uncharacteristic of his interactions with Ventress. This was because Loathsome actually showed some respect to the operator. "I will be there," Y/N answered, irritated that he wouldn't get some well-deserved rest. "Did Ventress dispatch Kenobi and Skywalker?" Y/N asked, recalling Ventress's part in this mission. The answer was a quick "no," which didn't surprise Y/N at all.

As the transmission ended, another alerting tone came from his comlink, signaling that he had received the coordinates mentioned by Loathsome. The meeting place seemed rather close to the Republic defenses-not close enough to be spotted, but still noteworthy. In the mercenary's head, gears started to turn as he did some quick calculations on when he would arrive. To his fortune, he concluded that he should still have some time to rest once he got there.

Gripping the handlebars of the speeder, Y/N twisted them, causing the speeder to accelerate rapidly, turning him into a blur for the human eye. Pulling his right hand closer and twisting the handlebar to the side, the speeder started to turn around sharply until Y/N released the grip once he was completely turned around. The cracking of flying rocks from the turn slowly subsided as he completed the maneuver. With his new destination set, Y/N drove off, feeling a bit proud of his mission and eager for a brief moment of respite before the next phase of action began.

Y/N reached the meeting spot three hours earlier than his separatist ally. It was to be expected that this area, like any other, would be completely silent for now. But only hours later, the thunder of marching and blaster fire would fill these empty streets in a symphony of war. Until then, Y/N decided to rest on a nearby rock. As he lay down on the hard surface, he groaned in frustration at not having a proper bed. However, it wasn't like he wasn't used to this from his earlier years. Y/N felt his eyes growing heavier, and just in the nick of time, he fell into a deep, exhausted sleep.

Y/N's ears were bombarded with loud, thunderous, and repeating thumps. Opening his eyes, he sat up and looked onward. Just a few hundred meters down the road, opposite the Republic front, came a combined force of B1 and B2 battle droids. Accompanying them was a wide array of vehicles, such as the AAT and, most noticeably, the towering Octuptarra Tri-droids. These massive behemoths were clearly visible, dominating the landscape and overshadowing anything else that might land on the battlefield.

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