Chapter 16

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"Dad what are you doing!" Sigurd struggle to get free from his father's iron grip, tightly gripping to the point it begins to hurt.

He tried to desperately run away but can't, he looked at his father in horror.

Grisha looks like a madman, an insane person. Wide craze bloodshot eyes, wild hair and his clothes in a state of disarray. Being so close to this madman Sigurd smell the stench of blood and sweat.

Aside from his appearance, what truly frightened Sigurd was the thing he was holding: a syringe needle carrying some kind of liquid. He doesn't know what was inside the syringe, but his own guts was telling him to run away, to get far as he can or else something bad will happened.
"Dad what happened! Why are you doing this!"

"It's ok Sigurd. Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, everything will be fine. I'll be a hero! I'll save everybody!" Grisha said, something was off with his voice. It sounded desperate, despair and insanity. Like the man is in a state of such despair he's going insane.

"Stop that! What are you saying?" Sigurd tried to escape from Grisha's grasp but his body was no match of an adult like Grisha's.

"I'm sorry Sigurd but I have to do this! To save everyone!" Grisha screams in the dead of night. Raises the syringe high up.

"Dad . . . . " Sigurd stop his struggling, after all it was no point he couldn't escape. All he can do is watch in horror as Grisha plunge the needle into his eye.


Sigurd jolted upright covered in sweat, breathing heavily he looked around in terror. That dream no it was wrong to call it such, nightmare is more appropriate. It felt so real to be fake, the feeling of his dad gripping his arm and the pain of the syringe in his eye. Yet it has to be.

He's right here inside the building that houses the people from Shiganshina. He has his vision still and generaly feel fine, though the bones felt cramp.

"You ok Sigurd?" Armin said sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, looks like reading some book. "Must've had a scary nightmare huh?" Armin said closing his book.

"You can say that again." Sigurd shivered at remembering that vivid dream. He saw Armin walking to him and sit right beside Sigurd. "So wanna talk about it?" Armin offered his help.

"Nah I don't want to talk about it." Sigurd shaking his head. Looking over his shoulder, Mikasa lays on the makeshift bed; just a pillow and a blanket covering her.

"Hey Armin did you hear any news when dad is coming back?" Sigurd said.

"No nothing, I told some guard about Mr Yeager but so far they hadn't found any Information as to where he went." Armin said looking a bit sad.

"That sucks, It's been ten days since the fall of Shiganshina. Where is he?" Sigurd couldn't understand what was taking Grisha this long, unless something happened to him. He didn't want to entertain the very motion But that's the most likely answer.

"I'm sure Mr Yeager is fine." Armin said to comfort Sigurd, but looking at his face it's clear as day Armin is thinking the same thing as Sigurd.

Silence takes over the conversation for a few moments before Armin spoke up. "Hey Sigurd wanna go on a walk?"

"Yeah sure." Sigurd nodded. Both kids walk to the entrance, looking around the place Sigurd saw many people still sleeping it was understandable as it's still relatively early in the morning, all of them looked dirty and hungry. Like Mikasa they all sleep in a makeshift bed with a simple pillow and blanket covering them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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