Between Takes: Tamanna's Concern for Velu

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The next morning, she arrived at the gym early, hoping to catch him before her workout. But Velu was nowhere to be seen. His usual spot by the entrance was vacant, the floor cleaner left unattended. The other staff members noticed her looking around and approached her with solemn expressions.

"What happened to Velu?" she asked, unable to hide the concern in her voice.

The young receptionist looked up from her computer, her eyes filled with sympathy. "He's not here today," she replied softly. "His mother had a heart attack. He's with her at the hospital."

Tamanna's heart sank

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Tamanna's heart sank. The news hit her like a punch to the gut. She had come to the gym with a heavy burden of guilt, hoping to find Velu and somehow set things right. Now, the emptiness of the spot where he usually stood was a stark reminder of the complex tapestry of his life, woven with threads of pain and sacrifice she had never considered.

Without a second thought, she turned on her heel and left the gym. She knew where she needed to go. The hospital was a place she was all too familiar with, having spent countless hours there during her mother's final days. The fluorescent lights, the antiseptic smell, the murmur of worried voices—it all came rushing back to her as she stepped into the bustling corridor.

Her heart heavy, she approached the information desk, her voice clear and firm. "I'm looking for Velu's mother," she said. The attendant looked up from her computer, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the famous face. "Could you tell me which ward she's in?"

The woman nodded, typing away before handing Tamanna a slip of paper with the room number. "Third floor, madam," she said, her voice hushed. "But visiting hours don't start for another hour."

Tamanna nodded, her mind racing. "But they allowed her because she is actress Tamanna," she thought to herself, understanding the weight of her celebrity status. She had always known it could open doors, but now it felt like a double-edged sword. She didn't want special treatment, not when it came to someone as important as Velu's mother. But she couldn't ignore the urgency in her chest, the need to be there for him.

Without another word, she strode towards the elevator, her gym bag slung over her shoulder

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Without another word, she strode towards the elevator, her gym bag slung over her shoulder. The doors slid open, and she stepped inside, the cold metal reflecting her own anxiety. As the elevator ascended, she took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. The smell of antiseptic grew stronger with each floor, the beeping of monitors echoing through the corridors.

When she reached the third floor, she stepped out, the clack of her sneakers on the linoleum a stark contrast to the muffled whispers of the hospital staff. She found the room quickly, the number printed neatly on the door. She paused, her hand hovering over the handle. This was it. The moment she had been both dreading and anticipating.

Before she could knock, the door swung open, and a nurse stepped out, a look of surprise flashing across her face when she saw Tamanna. "Can I help you?" she asked, her tone professional but curious.

Tamanna took a deep breath. "I'm here to see Velu's mother," she said, her voice steady. "I'm a friend of the family."

The nurse's eyebrows shot up, but she nodded and stepped aside. "Room 312," she said, her voice a mix of awe and suspicion. "But remember, she's not to be disturbed too much."

Tamanna nodded, her hand squeezing the plastic handle of her gym bag. She had brought a small bouquet of flowers, a token of peace offering and support. As she approached the room, she heard the faint sound of beeping machines and muffled sobs. Her heart ached for Velu, for the pain he must be feeling.

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