From Stranger to Savior: Tamanna's Act of Generosity

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The doctor's footsteps grew louder, their urgent voices cutting through the quiet of the room. Velu tensed, his grip on his mother's hand tightening as they approached. "Mr. Velu," the doctor said, his expression grave. "We've found a blockage in your mother's chest. We need to operate immediately to remove it."

Tamanna's heart raced as she took in the doctor's words. The seriousness of the situation was palpable, the air thick with tension. Velu's eyes grew wide with fear, his face pale. "How much will it cost?" he asked, his voice shaking.

The doctor paused, his expression sympathetic. "Twenty lakhs," he replied gravely. "We need to perform the surgery immediately if we're going to save her."

Velu's eyes widened in shock, his heart sinking to his stomach. Twenty lakhs. It was an amount that was unfathomable to him, a sum that represented years of his meager earnings. He looked at Tamanna, desperation clouding his gaze. "I don't have that kind of money," he whispered, the color draining from his face.

But Tamanna's response was swift and decisive. "I'll cover it," she said, her voice firm and unwavering. Velu's head snapped towards her, his eyes filled with disbelief. "What?"

"I'll pay for the surgery," Tamanna repeated, her hand reaching into her bag to retrieve her phone. She began to dial her manager's number, her mind racing with the logistics of transferring the funds. "It's the least I can do."

Velu's jaw dropped, unable to process the magnitude of her offer. "No, you can't," he protested weakly, his voice a mere whisper. "It's too much."

Tamanna looked at him, her eyes filled with determination. "Velu, I've made enough money to last a hundred lifetimes," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "And if it can save your mother's life, it's the least I can do to repay you for what you did for me."

Velu was speechless, his eyes welling up with tears. He had never felt so much gratitude in his life. The thought of this woman, this celebrity, offering to pay for his mother's surgery was more than he could handle. He knew that his own earnings could never cover the cost, and the kindness she was showing was something he had never experienced from anyone outside his small circle of family and friends.

Tamanna's manager, Mr. Gupta, arrived at the hospital within the hour, his eyes widening when he saw the state of the room. She quickly filled him in on the situation, her voice firm as she instructed him to handle the payment for the surgery. He nodded, his usual stern demeanor replaced with a softness that surprised even Tamanna.

The surgery was a success, and Velu's mother began to recover slowly. Tamanna visited often, bringing small gifts and offering her presence as a comfort to Velu. They grew closer, their bond no longer just about the strange fascination with her navel but a genuine friendship, one that had been forged in a moment of crisis.

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