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Jeremiah Freeman didn't get nervous too often

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Jeremiah Freeman didn't get nervous too often. He was a confident man that accomplished almost anything he set his mind to. But as he waited for his cue from production, he couldn't help but shake his arms, hoping to release the nerves he was feeling, from his body.

He was about to be on television and while he thanked God it wasn't going to be live, he was no dummy when it came to knowing about the editing tricks of reality tv. Editing could turn you from being America's heart throb in one cut to America's number 1 villain in another cut.

Regardless, he was going to remain true to himself, his values, and his morals. He just hoped if the cameras caught him doing something embarrassing, the editing team would show mercy and edit it out.

He didn't need America knowing that a guilty pleasure of his is singing along to Beyoncé in the shower. It's Beyoncé! Could you blame him?

Getting the okay from production, Jeremiah tapped into his confidence, and took a step off of the boat that charted him to the villa's location. For some fun and playing it up for the camera like production suggested, he dusted off his blazer as he sauntered across the illuminated boating dock up to the villa, giving a dimpled grin, as he waved off to the side at imaginary people.

Internally, he cringed, he didn't know why he waved. Production told him to do something interesting to catch viewers attention and he waved of all things.

When he reached the entrance of the villa, he was met with four other guys. He gave them a quick head nod in greeting as they weren't able to speak before they were given the go ahead to enter the villa as the host Ariana announced their presence.

The guys all made their own exclamations about the villa, and sent pleasantries to the ladies as they moved to grab their personal champagne flutes, before making their way to the fire pit where the five ladies plus Ariana sat.

Jeremiah, reaching the firepit first, took it upon himself to introduce himself to the women, starting with the beautiful brown skin, in a green number, with pretty braids cascading down her back. Following his lead, the other guys introduced themselves as well.

He quickly took in their names as he went: Serena, Ja'na, Leah, Hannah, and Kaylor. Before formally introducing himself to Ariana as he sat down. Even if she already knew who he was, Jeremiah was raised to acknowledge everyone when you walk into a room.

Once all the boys were seated, Ariana went around and reintroduced them again one by one. "So, I already know a little bit about the girls, but boys it's time to reveal all."

As Ariana talks to the other guys, moving on from Kendall who is feeling electric to Aaron who everyone finds out is from the U.K., Jeremiah takes a sip of his champagne, letting his eyes fall back onto the ladies as he now has a better view of them.

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